Horizon: Rebuilt Chapter 13

"i'd say you're barely transhuman at this point," horizon corrected. "whatever," shawn continued. "what do we do next?" "first, we go into town and buy supplies," horizon began to outline a plan.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.6

horizon: can you shut it down? mechrat: shut it down? are you sure? can you even fly this ship without it? horizon: well, no, probably not. but, could you turn it off while i'm not flying?

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.5

horizon: you'd better not be thinking what i think you're thinking. horizon sent over the data regardless, and though she had doubts about the plan princeps approved it.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.4

"helmswoman horizon requesting permission to go underway, princeps." horizon requested as formally as she could manage. princeps followed the course she'd plotted in the holo-tank with his eyes for a few moments, then nodded.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.14

horizon apologized again. "it looks like my implants might not know how it's built." "wow, that's weird." jenny cocked a tufted ear. "where did you say you got these augs again?" horizon thought about it for a minute, then decided to tell a half-truth.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.13

And then horizon, tanya loter, knew no more.

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Beyond Mundane Horizons: A Change of Pace

Tell me something of what lies beyond these narrow horizons that have fenced my life." the horse who seemed to be a fox turned his muzzle to point at the full moon suspended just a tail's span above the eastern horizon.

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Blasting Zone 1 - Broadened Horizons

Two bodyguards kept watch, different from the ones that accompanied kevin up the mountain as they scanned the horizon for potential dangers.


Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.3

She quickly turned to glance upwards, finding not a ceiling, but a vast blue void over a horizon that appeared to stretch out into infinity. slowly, tanya began to realize where she must be.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.2

Just over a month later, Tanya Loter gazed down at the radar readout of the _Dustbin_as it approached the strange object that had mysteriously appeared at the edge of the Tiere system. She took the distance reading and compared it to their rate of...

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.1

"it's fine, it's been twenty years since i saw a proper horizon." she introduced herself and her crewmates. "now what's your angle mr. lupine?" "well," said lupine.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.12

#58 of para-imperium tragedy strikes, and horizon makes her decision.

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