The real life video game Chapter 1

Good luck, my little pony." as it said this, the eye began to fade. "no, please tell me!" twilight shouted, trying to magic herself back into place, but the invisible force pulling her downward was far too strong.

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My Little Pony: Guardians of Equestria -Prologue

_Prologue_ _ _ Many times, people have always asked themselves this one simple question; what would've happened if this never happened? I have asked myself the very same question many times, what if I never came to Equestria at all? But I believe I...

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MLP:FiM: Chapture 4: Down the Rabbid Hole

"Applejack, if you are reading this, it means that I have not comeback from saving Sasha. I want to let you know that I am not angry with you and I am sorry for all that I have put you though over the course of the last few weeks. I want to apologize...

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MLP:FiM: Chapture 3: No Friends, No Problem

It was 9 in the morning and Applejack was pounding at Washington's door, shouting " Wake. Up. Now. Wash!.". Washington gowned. He rolled over and shouted back in a almost comprehensible language "Applejack. It our day off. Let me sleep.". ...

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My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria Character's History

Name: Brandon Casey Age: 20 Hair: Spiked up and black with yellow tips (at times) Eyes: Green (left is red) Skin: Tan Body built: Average with few muscles and three scars on left eye. History: Brandon's history is filled with much abused and...

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My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 1

_I was reading along on this site when I came across a story of MLP by XD-385. now if you asked me a few months ago I would've said I was not a brony...\*sigh\* now it is for real, I am now heh. Anyway I liked his story so much I wanted to take the...

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Lessons In Happiness - Part 6

Well, obviously it's been a long time since I uploaded any seireses (ignore the spelling, I simply don't care) and I first, apologize for the huge delay and second hope you still enjoy it. Not sure if it's entirely done, to me it seems to chop off at...

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The Apple of My Eye Ch.1

A beaten up old pickup truck barreled down the city streets, its driver's face a mix of depression and anger. This man's name was Adam Turner. He was 23 years old with a medium build, and was quite muscular. His hair was cut short, as he preferred it,...

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MLP: Lunar's Return pt 2

I took my time walking through the streets of the town. In my time away much had changed. When last I was here, there was nothing but a large open field, now a town stood in its place. Though I was a bit new to this place, many of the ponies that I...

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Life is cold.

I just sit cuddling to my little pony figures, taking another shot for being happy for a short time...

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Rainbow Dash Vs Eight Star

Eight Star was surrounded. His position had been compromised by his earlier appearance in the royal court, and the crystal wasn't back to its full energy yet. He stood before the entrance in a black cloak and hood as multiple military stallions...

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05 - Luna’s Call

_"Quilliam ... Quilliam ..."_ The voice echoed through the fields as the purple darkness rolled in to crush out the light of day. The grasslands sprawled in every direction ... spreading into the vastness of infinity. Unreachable goals ......

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