Soul Drinking - Part 2

If i drained you now, you'd still be fine, but if i finished the job instead, you'd be a mindless ghoul, doomed to roam the world for eternity." the thought shocked and disgusted milly to the core, as well as scared her.

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1. An Ordinary Life

The raised voice sends a blast that sends all others who are gathered to their backs as they scramble to fall prostrate before the ghoul king.


Fallout: Equestria: Old Stuff

The old farm pony and his crew were used to the life on the road, they were all hardened ponies that had more than once clashed with raiders and ghouls on the roads of equestria.

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Invasion of the Sex Zombies part 2

" now, how would you tell people to deal with this situation if they find themselves facing a potential sex ghoul?"

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Fallout Tales of the Wasteland Bitch Part 1

Chances of the creatures you meet being male increased by 50%** **fertile goddess: doesn't matter if it's a ghoul, man or deathclaw fucking you anyone can get you pregnant.** **tight as fuck: your cunt and womb are strong and resilient, it may take time

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CotJ II: The Last Stand Act I Part IX

The ghoul empire spanned across the entire realm with countless thousands of galaxies under their control!

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CE04 - monsters

A step up is ghoul (adolescence), which gives varying degrees of intelligence, usually as much as an animal.

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Long Lost Brothers

We traveled for a little bit, and i made a point of not conversing with the ghoul. he eventually told me to wait while he stumbled into the brush, and i heard a voice on the other side say, "wallace?"   

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A combination of semi-human wiles and demonic strengths collided as the two assit in the apprehension and execution of rogue ghosts, ghouls and monsters in and around england's very own london town.

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A generic term, i know, but more accurate than "cannibal" and without the annoying romanticism of "vampire" or "werebeast", or "ghoul" as they called us back in my homeland. really, the only difference is in hunting strategies.

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 4- This Hell Sure Looks Like Paradise

"good", chy said, "it will keep those ghouls away from us. for now at least." alcatraz nodded, "to answer your question chy, i wasn't always a synthetic. i was born human and became one later." "how'd that work out?"

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