Josh and Sarah (1)
 I sat on the couch in the living room, waiting for him to come. As I waited I continued to occasionally shift and move...
Sexy Time 1 - Rich Girls and Poor Boys
My love is not a social norm. To take a quote from The Great Gatsby, "Rich girls don't marry poor boys." I can't talk about him with anyone; not even my friends or my family. When I'm seen with him, people point and laugh. And yet, even through all of...
Walking In The Darkness
_Walk In This Field Of Black,_ _I Hear the Words of Sweet Pleasure,_ _With Each Step I Take I Feel Myself Lifting Off the Ground,_ _I Am Faced To Go Against Each of My Own Challenges,_ _I Am Made To Question My Faith in the Future of My Love,_ _Am...
_The path you walk,_ _I walk with you,_ _With every step you take,_ _We take together,_ _Our paths had once been two,_ _It was then when we were the most lost,_ _Now here we stand together upon the same road,_ _Walking through the same troubled...
Please You
_"You and I Go Hard,_ _You and I Go So Far,_ _You and I Get So Heated Up,_ _You Steam Up My Body with Your Rosy Pink Lips,_ _Those Lips That Press against My Skin,_ _Your Wake up Call Makes Me Love You Even More,_ _You Drove Me Crazy the Moment I...
As One
_No Matter The Challenge I Shall Push Forward,_ _No Matter The Foe I Shall Push Forward,_ _No Matter The Restraint I Shall Push Forward,_ _Your Forging Love Keeps Me Running,_ _Keeping Me Running To You No Matter The Moment,_ _Moving On Toward You...
_Growing Tired In the Dark,_ _I Look Up To the Stars,_ _Tears of Sorrow Streaming Down,_ _Tears of Pain,_ _Tears of Loneliness,_ _How Could Life Lead Up To This Moment?_ _How Could I Have Let This Happen?_ _But Then I See a Flicker,_ _Looking...
The Night Calls
_Looking Out In the Night,_ _My Heart Fills So Empty,_ _I Feel the Darkness Filling In the Empty Hole in My Heart,_ _How Can I Feel This Way,_ _Why Do I Embrace the Loneness of the Darkness?_ _Why Do the Howls of the Night Calm My Nerves?_ _Why...
Who, What, And Why
_How Could You Destroy Me?_ _How Could You Have Thrown Me Away So Easily?_ _How Could You Have Forgotten Me So Easily?_ _What Did I Do To Deserve This?_ _What Could I Have Done Different?_ _What Did I Do Wrong?_ _Why Did My Mercy Returned As...
All Of It
_All the Things You Said Behind My Back,_ _They All Hit You Back,_ _All the Things You Threw In My Face,_ _They All Hit You Back,_ _All the Times You Hit Away My Hand,_ _You Fell Just As Hard,_ _All the Times You Turned Away,_ _You Hide In the...
The Search
_I Once Told Myself that looking back was wrong,_ _That Looking Behind Me Was a Sign of Weakness,_ _That I Was Doing Nothing More Then Staring At the Shadows of My Destruction,_ _It Wasn't Until I Saw,_ _What I was looking For In So Many...
_Looking To the Sky,_ _I Sing the Song of the Old,_ _Looking To the Stars,_ _I Sing the Song of the New,_ _Looking To the World of the Night,_ _I Sing the Song That Brings Me to the Future,_ _I Shall Hum,_ _I Shall Howl,_ _I Shall Echo My Voice...