Autumn Woods - Chapter Five

"Do you mind if I drive?" asked Cloud as they approached Rye's new car. "Nope, go ahead," Rye said tossing Cloud the keys. "Where we going now?" "It's a surprise," Cloud said with a mischievous grin. "I made reservations at nine for us at...

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Tropical - Chapter Eight

Normally when walking to the pool, their conversations were light and in a joking manner but while Rye and Cloud walked toward the pool, the excitement about the midnight swim alone was easy to detect. Walking at a faster than normal pace, Rye was soon...

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Tropical - Chapter Seven

"Wow," Cloud commented looking at the house in front of the driveway that Rye drove into, which was already crowded with parked cars. Rye parked and looked up at the scene. Ariel's house was obviously one of the most expensive in or near the city, and...

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Tropical - Chapter Five

Throughout the week Rye and Cloud often hung out with each other, in school, at the pool and occasionally at Rye's apartment. After school, Rye would always give Cloud a ride home, and sometimes Rye would pick Cloud up on the way to school, if Rye woke...

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Tropical - Chapter Four

Sleeping restlessly, Rye woke up a little irritated the next day at six in the morning when his alarm clock went off. Rye cursed his restless mind for keeping him up while he dressed and drove to school. He was always one of the first ones at the...

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Tropical - Chapter Three

"You were amazing," Cloud again complimented Rye on his save. "That pool, Beach Lagoon, is lucky to have you as their lifeguard." "Thanks," Rye again said, blushing beneath his fur. "I had a fun time today, thanks for coming along. Otherwise it's so...

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Seven

"Understand that you are in my ship, Yukiomaru and you must reply to whatever I ask of you." Silver said, making a huge effort not to raise her tone at the little alien. The little alien's ear twitched, betraying his dissatisfaction with the Silver's...

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Two

Yukiomaru walked silently, being escorted by the taller aliens. Their armor shape suggested that their body anatomy was familiar. However, being escorted by fully armored soldiers down dark and empty corridors was more than enough to make the arctic...

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter One

Blackness and nothingness was all that he could sense. The small arctic fox was only brought to his dazed senses by a persistent droning sound. Opening his eyes, Yukiomaru could not see anything clearly. There was only a dull red light among the...

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Blood on Ice - Part Two Prologue

Ice covers land and sea equally at the top of the world. The ice did not allow for trees to grow, did not allow for grass to cover fields, it did not allow for much life to flourish. The ice was endless, going for thousands and thousands of kilometers....

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Sixteen

"Port starboard side!" a loud voice echoed down into the kitchen. "All hands on deck! Prepare for port!" In the kitchen, it was quiet because I was alone preparing the later afternoon meal for the Commander Mika. The voice rallied the sailors...

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Six

He was one of the most experienced Retcan warriors on board R105; one of the finest warriors that Lusceonis had given birth too. He had seen many things during his life, yet this little white furred alien of glorious tail and expressive golden eyes was...

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