Act XXX: The Truth About Homecomings The lock on the front door was opened by Leia's set of keys, as she led Josh and I into the mansion itself. Leia looked around casually, then called out with caution... "Damon? Devyn? Anybody? I'm calling out...

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Act XXIX: The Savage Tanner Way My comrades followed me through the streets of Cairo. Let me explain something. This isn't something I've always dreamed of. I like working alone. But Danath wasn't giving me a choice. And he was right. Skam was...

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Act XXVIII: Taur Tar and Skammer Jam My first stop, after burying the count and getting the Scions settled, was to gain information from my young witch friend, Rosa Saturnyne, and her familiar, Tabor Talbot, in Nekoton, the home kingdom of Lord...

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Act XXVII: Waz Real; Was Knot It took me some extra time to track down and dig up Count Renzo Goddard's remains, but once I had them secured into a traveling container, we were once again on our way up the coast. Guilmont and Capricorn were pleased...

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Act VI

Act VI: Demonstrations and Matchmaking When my jet finally arrived in Alta, Norway, I immediately headed off to find the local Chess bunker. To my surprise, there wasn't one there. Chess had evidently never been assigned to this region before. That...

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Act V

Act V: The Magic Touch Byron Lyman and I regrouped on the south side of the construction site. We compared notes and he grumbled when I showed him the tell-tale lion tracks. Byron said that I have a good eye for observing things. He actually smiled...

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Act IV

Act IV: Of Imps And Lions Come the following morning, Duffy packed us some fresh venison and beef jerky. Then, Shane, Luke and I bid Duffy goodbye and headed back towards Giannitsa to the south. All during the trip, I pondered over what Duffy had...

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Act III: Forget The Obvious; This Is Real A few days later, Luke and I found ourselves in Chess' home headquarters in Athens, Greece. We both wore the training outfits of Pawns. Neither of us liked that reference, but at least we were getting...

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Act II

Act II: The Wrong Place At The Right Time A few days later, Shane and I were listening to the scanner. We heard several small time events announced. I wanted to act on all of them, but Shane said no. He said that I'd be remembered more at a larger...

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Act I

Act I: Eye Am A Detective While attending the university in Phoenix, Arizona, with my two friends, Canon Stephens and James Moriarty, I quickly surmised what my ending major should be. While Canon was heavily into photography, James and I were...

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**Ravibren Creations presents a White Stag Nexus production in association with Ranger Legacy The Chess Master by Darrel James Vanwinkle This novel was started on March 16 2003** * * * _Act Index_ **Prologue** **Act I: Eye am a...

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14 - Bad News

"We're almost there, people!" I was leading quite a small horde of dragons. Rock was back of us, while all my thirteen little dragons were flying between us. Besides it seeming that only two dragons in such arrangement couldn't protect those children,...

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