
Said the rat talking in a calm stern tone. "you are being traded off to me and if you're as good as eric said you'll be fine and if not, well, we'll get there when we get there." the rat continued walking around him.

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Musings of a Rat: Pas de Deux

Journal Entry 40 I finanly have a moment of peace, who knows how long it will last out here. I can't help thinking that this thing with Zeke will only lead to pain, as to whose I do not know. Getting attached can only lead to either two things out...

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"we are the rat king."

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Jeremy 095; Boomerang

The kangaroo continued approaching as the rat retreated into the alley. "yeah? who's going to stop me? you?" the kangaroo asserted not yet realizing he was now down to a mere two times the size of the rat.

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Catfood Ep. 10 - Cafeteria

I'm a desert kangaroo rat." max looked at me, at jeff and then back at me, licked his lips suggestively and snickered "how fitting. you certainly aren't big enough to make a main course."

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Catfood Ep. 8 - End of Things

Catfood Catfood - Episode 8 - End of Things © 2004 Nameless * * * _As I looked from face to face, a horrible feeling began to form in my stomach. Tammy's eyes looked strange, I stared at her for several moments before I realized that...

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Third piece in the cello rat series. the big day is getting closer, and now the bride and groom want a show! inspired by this piece: "you look great!" amy said. she straightened the rat's tie.

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Jeremy 056; Trends And Habits

I understand thats an unusual name for a rat so he should stand out. any help in finding him would be appreciated. as soon as he's in custody the park will reopen to rats."

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Jeremy 060; On The Prowl

Cats were said to be among the best hunters in the world and at the size he'd grown this one, a rat his size could be classed as prey to the massive male. he instead chose to look on the smaller rat as either an equal or more likely untouchable.

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Murinae After Midnight 03

On top of those bags were two large rats, who curiously watched as she approached. "what's this then?" asked the largest rat on the trash heap, holding onto a half chewed semi frozen chicken patty.

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Murinae After Midnight 02

"i'm going to see the alley rats. plead with them to give us enough food for the trip." "mother no!" beng nearly screamed, which startled ama. "what would you have me do? we're desperate." "you'll beg those filthy monsters who murdered father!?

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Murinae After Midnight 01

**Murinae After Midnight** **Written and Created by Vember Judgement** **Chapter One:** _A mouse named Ama_ Ama sniffed at the air in her desperate attempt to locate any scraps of food that might have been left behind. Having searched the...

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