Burdens - Chapter 55: Distractions

Chapter 55: Distractions Their time in the park was limited, despite their desire to stay. Roger felt it would be rude to not show up for the movie when they had made the plans. He was only half looking forward to it, the other half of him wanted to...

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Burdens - Chapter 50: Close

He remembered that they were to meet mary and her friends. what time did she say? he tried to remember, and realized that there was no time given. he asked the wolf. hunter said, "i think she said... two.... yeah, two. that sounds right."

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Burdens - Chapter 39: Calm

I'm your friend, after all." he was released. the wolf nodded and smiled. "yeah... yeah. you do so much for me, i have to pay you back sometime. maybe i'll be able to talk to her." her?

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Burdens - Chapter 102: Smile

Chapter 102: Smile Roger did not fall asleep next to the wolf. He attempted to, but sleep never came. Instead, he laid there with his eyes shut, trying not to focus on the things that were causing him stress. The biggest issue that pulled at his...

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Burdens - Chapter 101: Prepare

Chapter 101: Prepare The morning found a bed with only but one in it. The figure stirred but did not wake fully. Roger had snuck out of the bed an hour earlier. He had wandered about the house and found that it was empty. His parents were starting to...

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Burdens - Chapter 99: Oasis

Chapter 99: Oasis Roger and Hunter arrived at the fox's house a little after than what was normal for them. He had wanted to take a little more time just to walk with the wolf. After he had found out that others had begun to be interested in the...

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Burdens - Chapter 98: Possession

It seemed now he was becoming friendly with the others, or perhaps it was the opposite. the ferret was there. roger made sure to greet him as he walked past the bleachers. hunter fell behind and let the others go to the locker room.

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Burdens - Chapter 97: Consideration

Their mutual friend in the ferret was there, too, and occasionally the fox would say a greeting. he was beginning to outshine the bright star that was to be displayed.

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Wolves and Lambs.

"what happened" asked flippy, my best friend who i met when i first got here. "i chickened out." i told him. "i just wish i wasn't such a coward." "don't worry man, you'll do it one day." flippy comforted.

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Burdens - Chapter 95: Ties

Chapter 95: Ties It was still dark when the fox woke up. The night prior felt like a dream, yet all of the evidence was there. His fur felt sticky. He was still in the wolf's arms, pressed against him closely, enough that it made him blush for...

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Love? | Chapter 5

Your friend, -jake.' though danny has been through a lot of pain, he savored this words jake sent him. 'i'm worried.' he knew he had a girlfriend, but those words just made him feel happy.

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With Arms Wide Open. Ch. 2

We walk all to the shore line where all my friends were. when we got close enough for them to realize it was us. my friend jake starts running over to us.

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