Act V
Act V: The Magic Touch Byron Lyman and I regrouped on the south side of the construction site. We compared notes and he grumbled when I showed him the tell-tale lion tracks. Byron said that I have a good eye for observing things. He actually smiled...
Act IV
Act IV: Of Imps And Lions Come the following morning, Duffy packed us some fresh venison and beef jerky. Then, Shane, Luke and I bid Duffy goodbye and headed back towards Giannitsa to the south. All during the trip, I pondered over what Duffy had...
He drove the jeep straight into the cube of fire! there was a terrific explosion! i knew jesse had been killed instantly. but i had no time to grieve. thalia was making an arc to check on her handiwork.
Act II
Act II: The Wrong Place At The Right Time A few days later, Shane and I were listening to the scanner. We heard several small time events announced. I wanted to act on all of them, but Shane said no. He said that I'd be remembered more at a larger...
Act I
Act I: Eye Am A Detective While attending the university in Phoenix, Arizona, with my two friends, Canon Stephens and James Moriarty, I quickly surmised what my ending major should be. While Canon was heavily into photography, James and I were...
**Ravibren Creations presents a White Stag Nexus production in association with Ranger Legacy The Chess Master by Darrel James Vanwinkle This novel was started on March 16 2003** * * * _Act Index_ **Prologue** **Act I: Eye am a...
KittE's Past
WARNING: This story contains sex (M/M, M/F), transformations (male to female), and dramatic moments.Any resemblance to situations or persons past, present, or future are coincidental and completely unintentional on the part of the writer.That being...
nine nights intro
As he opened the door to her hotel room, John saw her just the way he had left her an hour earlier. Curled up on the bed, and sound asleep. He crept into the room, silently closing the door behind him, and setting down a bag of juice and snacks on the...
Icarus charged from the darkness, aiming straight for the leader, a hammer raised in his hands. though surprised, the leader turned and laughed at icarus' charge. "icarus!"
Act XXV: Diabolical Aberration I was pleased to see that Capricorn had waited on me at the sportscar when I emerged. He evidently finished his minor explorations before I had. We regreeted each other, then we got back into the sportscar and headed back...
Act XXIV: The Were-Beast Sanctuary I thought it might be a good idea if I dropped in on Sterling Hawk before actually heading out to the sanctuary. But when I looked in his office, he wasn't there. I did the only good thing I could do: I wrote out a...
The Ambassador.
Harper hummed to herself as she finished braiding the last of her mane and tied off the end with a loop of fine silver thread. It was not easy braiding such a length of hair, nor was it a task she particularly enjoyed; it just gave a much neater and...