_"Érase una vez, en un país muy, muy lejano, vivía un enorme emperador llamado Huang Di. El hombre tenía bajo sus pies un pueblo que tenía toda su fe depositada en él, y llevó su gobierno con justicia y sabiduría, aplicando el castigo merecido a los...
The Fouled Doe
The Fouled Doe By Ziva Damiani The crack of a large caliber rifle echoed through the coniferous forest, sending birds and deer alike scuttling into cover. A .58 caliber lead ball hurtled through the air towards an unsuspecting doe. The man behind the...
This is a little story that I wrote some time ago and never got a chance to share it. There are deffinately some problems with it, and if you'd like to give some pointers then please do. Well here is one of my earlier works that I hope will be enjoyed...
Pleasure Island Ch. 3
Pleasure Island Written by SSK (Silent Soul Ken) Rating: M for Mature Reason: Sexual Content, Growth, Excessive Nudity, Language, Violence, Blood and slightly unrealistic situations Summary: After a crash landing, Naruto and Hinata end up stranded...
Come as You Are - Scene 2
**Scene 2** At Rise: (L-shaped kitchen, with a bar and barstools. Aaron is sitting at one, working on homework. His mother is in the kitchen, making dinner. Aaron is stony faced, and his mother is lecturing him.) **Aaron's Mother** Your silence is...
Ghost Festival
_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **Ghost Festival 1** ** ** **The entire seventh month of the Chinese calendar is called the Ghost Month, a month in which...
Wages: Chapter Two
**Chapter Two: **** _Louis, Collin, and Mike_** "Yesterday, at 10:47 AM, May twelfth, 1974, three men walked into the Bank Of New York on fifty-first street in Manhattan. They were in the bank for seven minutes, killed three people, and made off with...
The story of Fang1000001212: Chapter 3 ( Warning: contains Anal and refrences to sexual stuff. That is if this website doesn't care.)
The story continued: "Well, Chapter 3. Yay. well, Fang told me that he would have sexual dreams at night. For example he would dream that his favorite video game character (and I'm not joking with this) would do anal to him. I would laugh at him, but...
The Ultimate Man- Chapter 8
Opening my eyes, I don't see anyone. Or anything. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the darkness but off in the distance I see Pike. Running up to him, I start shouting, "Pike! Pike, where are we?" He doesn't move until I get right...
The Ultimate Man- Chapter 5
"What the fuck are you doing here??" I shout in shock. Still lying on the floor where Kyle dropped me, I quickly rise to my feet and stare blankly at him. The groups around us have stopped talking and all focused on this new interesting spat going on....
The Ultimate Man- Chapter 4
Ever since Monday night, the past few days have been a blur. Sitting in the campus coffee shop, I look down at my phone to see that it is Thursday. Man, where have the past two days gone? All of the classes seemed to have just been a waste of time for...
Ishari - chapter 4: Humble Beginnings
Helen raced down the street, her summer dress fluttering about her feet. For the moment, she was happy and carefree. School had just let out, and she knew she was starting the last summer of her youth. She fully intended to enjoy this summer before the...