Biohazard Chapter 5
Chapter Five * * * They spent at least two hours down there filming rooms upon rooms filled with creatures that had once been ordinary humans. Some of them just huddled in the corner, others backed away and shivered in fear at the sight of them....
Biohazard Chapter 2
Chapter Two * * * Ashley Donovan may be a fox Otherkin and he may make her skin crawl a bit every time his ears moved or his tail twitched but there was no denying the fact that he was rich. _Very, very rich._ Finally giving up on sleep, Ally rolled...
Reaching Alignment
As fun as weightlessness is, I was rather glad as the shuttle landed. Six months planetside, and I was looking forward to it. Two hours of decontamination, another two for the blood tests to come back and I was on the lawn in front of the shuttle...
SciFi, Nico and Pancho Meet a Friend From Far Away
Early one morning, at the beginning of a hot, African, summer day, Nico the lesser oriental civet and Pancho the meerkat were collecting fruit. Nico would climb the fruit trees, pick the fruit and toss it down, as a civets claws are well suited for...
Light. It invaded her perception, the first since her old friend warmth awoke her so long ago. It filled her vision, rough and unfocused, and for a time the two sensations were all she knew. She did not know how long, but eventually the light...
Planet of Lost Memories
I crossed the wreckage, the once mighty star ship now lying in pieces. I sighed as I saw the remains of my chair and that of my quarters. I looked for something. I gasped as I found it, something that maybe someone could remember from the ship. A small...
Song of Dead Suns
by Deranged Kitsune Poem by Darren Hall The sound echoed through the halls of the ship despite thick bulkhead construction. It was an almost whistling sound, not quite pipes and not quite birds. That it was music she had no doubt, for the pattern...
scifisummer far flung space fling
Blinding lights flashed in the dark space as a ship was being fired upon. The occupant struggled valiantly to avoid further damage to his vessel against the bigger ship firing on him. The pilot grunted and growled to himself as he tried to avoid...
Song of the Space Finch part 4 of 4
SECTIONS: The Reformed Captain Distress Call Peace New Beginnings \_\_\_The Reformed Captain\_\_\_ I sat with Fellows a long time. She must have mulled over many thoughts. I started to feel drowsy with inactivity. "My father had always talked...
Song of the Space Finch part 3 of 4
SECTIONS: The Launch The Battle Inside the Ship Resolutions and Learning \_\_\_The Launch\_\_\_ Fellows was laughing. "Did you see that! I've never seen anything like that! Stupid beast popped right into space. Damn, got your first look at the...
Song of the Space Finch part 2 of 4
SECTIONS: Dinner The Calm The Incident \_\_\_Dinner\_\_\_ Ruth and I were the last to arrive at dinner. I looked around checking on my flock. It looked like Beck was staying in the nest with the chicks that night. Ruth sat down at a table,...
Lost in the Stars
**Lost in the Stars** By Dennis M. Falk 4 June 2011 Issued under a Creative Commons license BY-SA-NC She had just settled in at the space station in preparation of her history-making flight to another solar system, some 16 light years away. The...