
Like a balloon filled to burst, but expands helplessly The scream who's voice should grow hoarse, but won't The anger that should be outgrown, but is never released The storm that passes, but always returns The fire that consumes, but...


Haven: Riley and Tarik

"I-I don't... I don't wanta go, Rhy," the boy squeaked, shaking like a leaf in the arms of an older figure. He was dying. His younger brother was dying in his arms, and he had not been there to help him, or his family. "T-Tarik, d-don't...

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Broken, Beaten, Standing

You think you're invincible. You hide behind your makeup, your tramp clothes, your fake friends. You are nothing, you stand for nothing, you live for nothing. You don't fight your own battles, you cower behind those who you think like you. If you...

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