Ex-Boyfriend Part 2

The next morning, Joseph woke up in a daze. At first, he couldn't remember where he was, or what was going on. When he tried to stretch, he found his paws bumping against wooden bars that surrounded him on all sides. When he tried to yawn, he found...

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"So let me get this straight." Keith folded his arms across his chest and frowned. The big, broad tiger was standing in the doorway of his house, looking down at the lion on the front step, carrying a duffel bag and a suitcase. The smaller lion...

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A Tennis Match

"... and that's the story of how the lion kingdom invaded and conquered the mouse kingdom, and that is why all mice remain so submissive so sissy-ish, deep down, even to this day!" Tommy blushed and squirmed as he sat on the side of the couch...

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Barry's Big Day

Barry Sorrel was a real big man on campus. The stallion was a senior at my high school when I was a sophomore, and he definitely ruled the school. He was the captain of the football team and a shoe-in for prom king, since he was kind of devastatingly...

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Leetah: First Date

Dimitri pulled up to the sidewalk in front of where I was standing, but I was too ... too _something_ to move. It wasn't quite being scared, but it was sort of like that. After weeks and weeks of almost constant anticipation, of imagining this...

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Leetah: The Coffee Shop

As everyone knows, when two different furry species get together, their children are most often one species or another. I know a fox and skunk couple, for example. They have three kids: their oldest is a boy skunk, the middle one is a boy fox, and the...

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NOTE: A few readers have been bothered by some of the content of this story. Please make note of the tags, particularly humiliation and punishment. If these sorts of themes can be upsetting, maybe this story isn't for you. I have lots of other stories...

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A Job Interview

This is a sequel to my story "A Little Problem" in which a small mouse named Jeremy has some regressive issues when he finds himself around larger furs. Here, he's trying to cope with those tendencies while interviewing for a new job. Enjoy! \*...

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