Chapter 2: My life with Skye
Chapter 2: How she arrived here I opened my eyes. I saw the cieling of a room I have never seen before. The doorway had 2 Torches leading the way out. I was lying on a custom made bed. It was soft and warm. Next to the bed was a small table. It had a...
Chapter 1: My life with Skye
Chapter 1:The arrival of Skye It was cloudy day that she arrived here, I will never forget the day she came. I was wrtitng a particular story while the same time playing on an emulator on my computer of 'Pokemon-Platinum Version'. I was raising my...
Latias and Latios EP.2 (Part 14)
**Chapter 14: Adam's Decision** Adam looked up from bed and saw all the Pokémon that were with him. Latias decided to speak first. "_Adam... Are you okay?_" "_Yes, I'm fine mother._" Adam replied. "_Hey, I could of told you that!_" Adam chuckled...
Latias and Latios EP.2 (Part 12)
\*Adam's point of view\* Adam woke up and saw himself on his bed; his vision was a bit blurry, it was like he was tired, but he knew he was always like this in the morning and decided to head downstairs. "_I wonder how he is dealing with the...
Latias and Latios EP.2 (Part 11)
**Chapter 11: Adam's second dream: The draconic return of Latios** "_Hey! I'm baaaaaack!!_" Adam shouted at the top of his lungs. His draconic-self appeared before him. "_Welcome back Adam. I hope you have been well._" "_You know me so well. How...
My letter
If you are reading this, I will be currently being with my new family. The song, one summers day reminds me of old family and all the good times I've had with them. I hope they are doing well without me. The music they play will always be on my mind....
Latias and Latios EP.2 (Part 10)
**Chapter 10: The rare disease** Adam woke up with a bang, realising what had happened. He was in his mind talking (somehow) to himself. He still had something to do, but what was it. No-one was with him. "AURA- EXCEEDING LIMIT!" "_What? Aura...
The aqua portal-part 6
**Chapter 6: The Transformation** "Now, do you see that you are one of us?" Belle asked, hopeful. "Yes, by all the things I've seen, I do believe that." Adam replied "that's why when I arrived here. I felt I have lived here all my life, like I've...
The aqua portal-part 5
**Chapter 5: Adam's memory** Adam was amazed about what was in his mind. He saw many sights. He saw a door saying 'Adam's previous life' "That's odd," Adam thought "I never saw that door before. He tried to open the door. "Odd. The door doesn't seem...
The aqua portal-part 4
**Chapter 4: The truth about Adam** "We know who he is, don't you see that?" "I know! I can see it just; listen what I have to say!" "I know you want another son like me, but he can't exist in our world for long." "See? That's where you're...
The aqua portal-part 3
**Chapter 3: The other world** Adam was lifted into the air and fell onto the soft grass around the lake and looked around. "Finally," Adam said. "I'm here! This place isn't so different to the world I was just in." The forest looked amazing and was...
The aqua portal-part 2
**Chapter 2: The missing animals** The lake glowed brighter than before every time. Adam's eyes widened. He was confused of this amazing sight before him. The middle of lake opened up to a water hole. He tried to look inside the hole, but when he...