Drew and His Captors Part 1

The sound of gun fire penetrated through Drew's hands which were clamped over his ears as he cowered behind the lab table. He could hear the sound of explosions, gun shots, screaming, and pain. They were attacking and from the sounds of it, they were...

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Lincoln and Chase (M/F)

The weather was terrible. It was an early spring rain with a still wintery wind behind it that bent the rain so that it whipped under umbrellas, past raincoats, and beneath awnings. The rain had begun the night before and showed no interest in...

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Jess on the Reservation Part 2: Lesson Plans

"You can do it, Rosie," Jess said as he watched the young, Arabian horse girl. Rosie chewed the end of her pen; her thick equine lips wrapped around the end of the pen as she rolled it between her thick teeth and poked it with her strong, flexible...

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The Jungle Calamity

Maxwell ran as fast and as hard as his legs would take him, swinging his machete wilding to try to clear vines and branches from his path as he hurtled through the dense, muggy jungle underbrush. He leaped over rotting logs and bushes, his legs and...

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Jess on the Reservation

In the corner of the room something scurried out of sight as Jess dropped the last cardboard box of his things onto the cheap green-gray carpet. The sun filtered in through dirty windows making the insides look caked in grime and dust. Jess ran one...

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Drew and His Captors (Part 3): An Unexpected Discovery

Without being able to see the sun Drew lost track of the date. His days blurred together into an indeterminable cycle of work, eat, and sleep. Based on the rate of his wounds healing from his sexual experience with the muscular jaguar-hybrid, Nemesis,...

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