Chapter 58: Is This The End?

The girls weaken from the terror and coronamon, hawkmon, gomamon and calumon cowered in fear and terror. "what have you..." al can't get a full sentence because of the horror.

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Solipsism X

I pointed to calumon, who cocked his head and brought his hand to his mouth. "we can figure that out later, we have an ultimate on the loose, remember?" gargomon said. i nodded and told the kyubimon to get moving over our link.

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Chapter 57: Run Al Run

Which leaves impmon, renamon, coronamon, calumon, and hawkmon are somewhere in the mansion. al could guess that calumon is playing off and renamon is meditating somewhere. as al walked pass the garden, he heard sounds from outside and there they are.

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Takato's Coming of Age - Chapter 2

Takato breathed a small sign of relief to find guilmon where he belonged and not out causing trouble with calumon again. the dragon tackled him in excitement sniffing and nudging at him with his snout.

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The Pain of Renamon

But in the end, only terriermon and renamon would come here, guilmon would rather stay at his den to dig holes or to play with calumon.** **henry found an old carpet and put in the house for them to rest, rika donated some magazines while takato gave them

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Solipsism XIX

"yeah, calumon was captured, so we have to go to the digital world to get him." i stated. "the digital world is essentially your home." "i hardly regard it that way." renamon said with a bitter tone.

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Solipsism XVII

I looked back and spotted calumon in jeri's arms.

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Solipsism II

The battle continued until calumon inadvertently digivolved the goblimon, with rika waiting until just before to use a card.

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Chapter 59: Back For More!

He saw amelia sleeping at his left side, gatomon and calumon sleeping using his belly as a makeshift pillow. he wanted to move but he chose to stay for he don't want to wake them. "so you are awake?" someone asked him.

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Chapter 24: Welcoming Party - Part 2.

Al saw that palmon, biyomon, calumon, guilmon, and soul are having fun at the garden. al took the scenery where they were playing. when he was about to took another shot, he felt a tapped at his shoulder.

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Chapter 53: Tormented Nightmare in Dragon Valley

In the city, al's team was greeted by jake in blackgabumon form, derek in his favorite guilmon form, zane in snowagumon and calumon. "hey everyone." al waved at everyone. "hey, al," zane greeted, "where is amelia?"

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An Imposition

That was somewhat of a relief, although takato did wonder what the digimon was up to if he wasn't bugging them or calumon. impmon crept closer, doing his best to keep the leaves from rustling and revealing him too soon.

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