jewelia shaped the water into a bowser form. she froze it. bowser claps. "th-that wasn`t supposed to happen..." jewelia says. bowser starts walking to her. "stay away. i don`t want to hurt you." bowser backs up, and leaves the room. jewelia starts cring.
Bowser, Curse, Jewelia, castle
jewelia hurts every one of them. "try me." bowser says. "i...i couldn`t`d die..." "do it!!!" jewelia throws ice everywhere. some of it strikes bowser. he falls to the ground. jewelia rushes to him. "bowser!" he sits up.
Bowser, Curse, Jewelia
jewelia says, with her head down. "righ this way." a waighter says. she takes them to their seats, and gives them menus. al little bit later their weighter comes. "i`m tina, and i`ll be your weightress tonight." jewelia looked up. "tina!" "jewelia!"
Bowser, Date, Jewelia, pranks, tina
jewelia sits down again. her right leg is really badly swolen. "i don`t want to see you right now." jewelia says. bowser goes inside. he comes out with a blanket, and puts it around jewelia. she looks at bowser. until nex chapter!
Anger, Bowser, Jewelia
jewelia says, cring. bowser sits down on the bed. jewelia was still cring in his chest. bowser tried his best to comfort her. nothing really worked. "is something else bothering you?" bowser asks. jewelia looks up at him. her hazel eyes were teared up.
Bowser, Jewelia, Koopalings, Mario, Peach, Romance, Toad, cring, dinner
jewelia says. she lets go of bowser, and signals the band that their done. the band all go out the door. jewelia kisses bowser on the cheek, and goes to her room. bowser froze, blushing. he unfroze, and followed jewelia to her room.
Bowser, Jewelia, Sad, Singing, comfort, cring, moments
jewelia stands up. bowser aslo does. jewelia walks to bowser. she hugs him. "i`m glad i can be with you." she says. bowser puts his hand on her stomach. "how`s my new baby?" "fine. nothing much." jewelia stares a bowser.
Bowser, Bowser Jr, Jewelia, Koopalings
Bowser looked up at jewelia, and she looked down at him. "will you marry me?" jewelia`s eyes lit up. "yes!" bowser put the ring on her finger, and stood up. they both hugged. jewelia smiled. she was turning 18 in a fiew weeks. this couldn`t go wrong.
Band, Bowser, Jewelia
Bowser looks at jewelia. she gives him a little smile. kamek goes back to his room. bowser looks at jewelia. he sees the look in her eyes. she`s safe. he stands up, and walks to jewelia. she gives him a dimond made from ice. "i hope you can forgive me."
Bowser, Curse, Jewelia, Kamek, Potion, control
jewelia gets off of bowser. he puts his shell back on. "go get yourself ready. i`ll be in here." jewelia says. bowser exits the room. jewelia goes to the closet. she picks out a black, sparkley, strapless, long dress, and black heals.
Bowser, Date, Jewelia
#17 of bowser
bowser gave jewelia a smile. she didn`t smile back. bowser held out his hand. jewelia grabbed his hand. she stood up. "ouch!" she says. bowser lets go, thinking he did something. jewelia falls to the ground. bowser then remembers her leg.
Bowser, Jewelia, Kamek