Against All Odds: Extraction Ch.2

Martinez pointed towards a spartan in the front row of the company formation. coyote glanced over at the spartan, glad that no one could see his disapproving face.

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Annoying Wildlife

The spartan flew, and smashed into the beast. using all the force he built up, the spartan tore right through the unfortunate animal. his blow decapitated the giant beast.

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Legacy of the Precursors, Chapter 3: Destiny

As the spartan made his way over to his companion, the sangheili began to speak, astonishment filling his voice. "this structure strikes me as familiar....spartan."

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Halo: Lost and Found

The spartan stood, silent. douglas pushed against the green chest plate of the spartan, attempting to shove her. "answer me god dammit!!!!" the spartan stood, like a wall, looking down at him.

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New Solider part 2

**main weapons** : spartan lazar, katana sword and battle rifle. **alien weapons** : gravity hammer and needler. **spartan armour** : black as the main colour, with red going though it.

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Knowing this, the spartan made a decision. jake and razor, still celebrating their small victory, were surprised to see the spartan's jet roar past them.

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He could sympathize with them; spartans were humanity's only hope against the inexorable onslaught of the covenant. spartans rallied men and accomplished missions once thought to be impossible, at the cost of their own lives.

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Chapter VI

He hoped that the spartan wouldn't freak out. he really didn't want to see anything like that again. fox watched alarmed as the spartan walked over to krystal.

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A Strange World

The only identification was his id: spartan-b312, noble six. a serial number, his designation. the spartan gently traced the studded title on his chestplate, armored digits shaking imperceptibly.

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Legacy of the Precursors, Chapter 1: Lost

The two titanic forces collided violently.the elite lowered himself under the spartan's swipe and shoulder bashed him, carrying the spartan with him to slam into the slip space device.

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Confrontations Part 1

The giant armored spartan stretched stiffly, revving up cramped muscles.

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