870 Found Memories
Save Point: Found Memories Age Of Eversion Out of a certain laziness, Cleo pulls out a tall, fluted wineglass and pours the thick, rich liquid into it. The mixture is the most potent coffee of which she knows, with large amounts of cream, milk and...
595 Zodiacal Light
Save Point: Zodiacal Light Somewhere In Arizona It's the pattern on the ceiling that catches Terrownes attention when they burst into the empty room, not any of the many other objects lying around all over the place that speak volumes of potential...
111 The Springer Verlag
Save Point: The Springer Verlag Somewhere Under WhitePoint Cove "Well hello Sethkill, its about time you finally got here.... what the Wolfmother is that thing you're wearing?" demands Keselt, sly archness turned to fashion outrage. Sethkill...
996 Fractal Temple
Cut Scene: Fractal Temple AfterTime The final place in which Sethkill finds himself, at the end of all things, has the appearance of a vast fractal temple. At first it seems that he is in the centre, and alone, and that vast bands of something...
950 Tactical Demolition
Save Point: Tactical Demolition The World Of Sethuramandraki Terrowne throws himself in front of Cleo and _shifts_ as fast as he can as the grenade goes off, turning its outer shell into a spray of shrapnel that tears up dirt from the ground and...
410 Tales Of The Cat Queen
Save Point: Tales Of The Cat Queen Age Of Worn Bronze Out of some thoroughly misplaced sense of modesty, Cleo has shown up for her audience wearing a piece of transparent blue gauze held by elastic cloth bands just above and beneath her breasts,...
245 Social Activities
Save Point: Social Activities The Land Of khem The head of Social Activities is an extraordinary sethuress with perfectly off-cream fur and the tallest ears Cleo has ever seen, including her own. Plenty of species have a secondary fold or two...
885 Beyond Imagining
Save Point: Beyond Imagining The Age Of Eversion The night is as strange as the day, sort of light and mild and jumpy, and Terrowne Kilroy totes up the list of strange things that have already happened as he makes his way to the shops, as high summer...
425 The Act Of Nephren-Ka
Save Point: The Act Of Nephren-Ka Age Of Worn Bronze "It was the reign of Nephren-Ka, when I was high priestess of Sekhmet in Khem. I let them see my true face, and they believed I had been natural-born in the form of a lyoness as the living...
525 The Thunderbird Photograph
Save Point: The Thunderbird Photograph Somewhere In Arizona, April 1890 "All I can say is, it's fucking huge, whatever the hell it is," says the old man. The creature has been arranged in advance, at first by the light of simple torches and so...
393 Exit Strategies
Save Point: Exit Strategies "It was a very successful experiment. The technology worked, it was possible to operate it on a broad scale without too much interference, and most of our non-powered enemies and potential threats have simply been erased....
598 Aboard The Airship
Save Point: Aboard The Airship The crate is roughly the size of a full coffin, or perhaps a sarcophagus, given that it's deeper and thicker and wider, and is lashed down to the deck with six pale blue hempen straps lashed closed with the sort of...