Life of Honor

? A Life of Honor For ArrowQuivershaft By Draconicon Kawheek stood between the approaching horde and the portal back to Hashinshira, his spear in hand and his wings unfurled to get their attention. The avian monk planted the butt of his...

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Learning New Tricks

**Learning new tricks By: VeronicaFoxx For: Arrow** Angelmaris was, strangely enough, actually looking forward to going to class. Or rather, Angel Maris Hiems was. The assumed name was only _slightly_ annoying. It _did_ incorporate his chosen...

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Taking Flight

Taking Flight For Arrow By Engy Richard wasn't sure, but he was wide awake at night and anxious. He was usually a deep sleeper, prone to sleeping soundly through the night unless a major storm rolled through. As he looked out to the sky he...

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A Cleric Beyond the Sun's Reach

Thenyr soared high above the waves of the ocean, his broad wings easily bearing him aloft above the placid surface below. The goddess had bid him accomplish a mission for her, a mission which required a long journey. He would meet Kawheek when he...

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The Thordani Heretic, as told by Thenyr Nontdargo

"I tell you a story that speaks to me. Once, there was a Thordani who strayed from the light, desiring power and wealth beyond what. It started innocently, but quickly grew to something more. As he gained power and influence, he became defected from...

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From Life To Death (NOT MY WRITING)

From Life to Death For Arrow By Draconicon Thenyr had come to the Mountains of Shadow to face the strongest threats to his god that he could find. The Thoradon had thought that he could handle them, as he had become one of the strongest...

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Milked of her Power

Milked of her Power For ArrowQuivershaft By Draconicon The power of the light, the sun, and the sky were great powers, ones that had burned through the darkness time and time again. Faenya, Thoradan goddess, had wielded them time and time...

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The Hardest Choice

**The Hardest Choice By: VeronicaFoxx For: Arrow** Richard gripped the steering wheel white-knuckled as he sat staring at the scene in front of him. It just _had_ to happen on a night like this, but if it had been any other night then he...

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The Hand-Off

BOONNGGG "The time is now: two o'clock. AM. A curfew is in effect for the following districts: Madison. Lansky. Sarkoris. Bankston. Landry. Repeat; a curfew is now in effect for the following district...' Lindsey tightened the straps on...

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World descriptions

WORLD DESCRIPTIONS Wildtouched Earth (better name needed). Notable PCs: Richard, Melody This is a modern earth, with a timeline roughly in the new tens, depending on my storytelling needs. It's a low magic, masquerade ...

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Anthrobird considerations

BIRD ANTHRO DISCUSSION So you want to know what it's like to be a hawk anthro? Sure, I can tell you that. Ever since my Change at age 16, I've been one, and I don't think I'd choose anything else, even if I had the option, ...

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A Price for Everything, pt 6

**For All Things, A Price By: VeronicaFoxx For: Arrow** Rich gave a half-hearted flutter as he was spat out of the reality warp a good twenty feet above the ground. Thankfully, Oberon had seen fit to fling him out of the fae realms with the...

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