Mass Effect: Partners
A quarian prostitute meets a young asari outside of afterlife.
Star Trek Invincible
Pleased with her crew's efficiency, asari seated herself in her chair.
Neural Shock
"hm, a fighter~ i love a good challenge~" the asari's gaze narrowed as the vixen fell to her knees, gripping at her head - eyes stilled looked onto the asari's.
The Cabal: 02 First Meetings
Snarled the normally calm and peaceful matriarch of the asari, councilor tevos.
The Hyena Prince: Chapter 3
asari heard the words uttered from the translator's mouth, and gasped.
Shepard gave a devious smile for his "handy" work, before looking up at his asari accomplise. "liara, you have two options. one, you could be a good little asari and wait outside with wrex."
Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy CH. 3: Aphrodisiac
The asari at the counter looked somewhat annoyed, but xares thought nothing of it. "hello, madam." xares greeted the asari, "is there anything you recommend...?" xares stopped, finally noticing what the asari was annoyed about.
The Hyena Prince: Chapter 4
She gave him a soft chuckle as she saw her husband admiring asari's rump, now bare to the starlight.
Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy CH. 8: You Earned This
The asari was intoxicating. "no, i do." the asari adopted an assertive tone, while still managing to keep her voice smooth. "we all do, commander." nelyna took a step closer to john, their faces now inched apart.
asari racial stats
Posted using postybirb asari racial stats ability score: your dexterity score increases by 2 and your intelligence score increases by 1. age: asari reach maturity rapidly, reaching their peak at around 1 year.
Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - The Ship
**all characters presently on the ship** \*bridge asari ([]( -riva (adept, serious and calculating, very strong voyeur, sexually selfish, shortest of the three, slightly
Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 5
Actually, riva was quite certain that, if she could, sasfin would have gotten non-asari pregnant; she was just wired like that, thinking more like a male than a female, if such a thing were even possible for an asari.