Chapter six: And so his angels of death descend from the heavens and sow death and destruction

**Chapter six: And so his angels of death descend from the heavens and sow death and destruction** The Furia system was not a really special system. The planets did not hold any special resources or other militarily important factories. But they were...

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**Prologue:** It was quiet in the great hall. Only the crackling of the fires in the bowls on the walls could be heard. He stood at the large desk, one could rather call it a table, even if noone never ate at it. The desk was old. It had stood in...

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Chapter one: Arrival

**Chapter one: Arrival** Landing platform five was at an altitude of almost 10 kilometers. The thin air on the platform required breathing equipment and the temperatures up here rarely reached above minus 40 degrees Celsius. The winds here were so...

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A little love goes a long way...

**A little love goes a long way...** Her room was cast in a semidark shadow. She loved that it allowed her to sneak around in her little dorm and noone would notice her. She was a bit uneasy. It was that special time again. She felt hot and cold and...

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How I got Damned - Preamble

**HowI got Damned** **Preamble** Since the very beginning of time, the plains of the savannah have been a place of mysteries and secrets. There are things and beings out there that far exceed the imagination of any sane mind. Like a fata mogana,...

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Merchant of Fate

Merchant of fate. He was a merchant. A traveling merchant, to be precise. He had been traveling this continent for a long time. He traveled from town to town, selling his wares. He never visited a town for the second time. He wasn't one of those...

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**W**** H ****40k vs. Furries** It is the 41st millennium. For more than a hundred centuries, the Emperor has sat motionless on the Golden Throne of Terra. By the will of the gods he is the lord of mankind and by the might of his inexhaustible...

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How I got Damned - Viscious Cycle

**How I got Damned** **Viscious cycle** **Prologue** Introducing a second lion into Adramalech's Harem had turned out to be easier than Adramalech and Ushi had feared. Despite the fact that most of the 200 lionesses had their eyes on the young...

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How I got Damned - Flavias Tale

**How I got Damned** **Flavias Tale** **Prologue** "Adramalech..." Adramalech's eyes shot open. He was instantly wide awake. Before his mind could properly react, he was already standing and looking around. Someone had called to him. He had heard...

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How I got Damned - Jannas Tale

**How I got Damned** **Jannas Tale** **Prologue** "Uuuuuhhh Adramalech, that feels sooo good, please don't stop..." Purred Sarabi, while Adramalech very leisurely entered her again. They had retreated to an alcove at the edge of the Harem....

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How I got Damned - Vannas Tale

**How I got Damned** **Vannas Tale** **Prologue** They were sisters, twin sisters. The closest bond ever woven. They did everything together. Where one was, the other was not far. What one wanted, the other wanted. What one had, she shared with...

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When it rains, it pours...

**When it rains, it pours...** It was one of those dingy, wet and cold November nights. It had already rained when he came back from work, and now it was pouring down. Hank had taken his nightcap at his usual bar and was now on his way home. It...

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