Feeling the Gravity (part 4)
#4 of feeling the gravity so it's finally here. after many distractions and everything else going on with collabs, i've finally gotten the final part down and ready for publishing. i'm sorry for the long wait, but just wanted it to be just right.
Juryokine: Chapter Thirty Six
Just like he'd predicted, the gravity storm was so far behind them that he could anchor himself to the machine.
Juryokine: Chapter Thirty Five
"there's a gravity storm around that thing!" zashiel protested. "there's no way you can anchor yourself to it." "i have a theory," toke said as he began to fasten the pieces of the robe to the still-sizzling bars.
Juryokine: Chapter Thirty Four
The mystery of the gravity storms had seemed as impenetrable as an ocean fog, thick and dangerous if you wandered into it.
Juryokine: Chapter Thirty Three
"you... so you really _are_causing the gravity storms, is that it?" navras nodded. "but you just said you weren't trying to destroy yasmik. what's your plan, then?"
Juryokine: Chapter Thirty Two
While toke was trying to make his batteries stop blowing up, navras had, somehow, figured out how to cause gravity storms with them. "toke?" zashiel called from her unseen cell. "are you okay?"
Juryokine: Chapter Thirty One
She told me she thought the gravity storms were manmade, but needed help proving it." "rubbish," his mother said again. "they're just--" "you saw one!" zashiel interrupted.
Juryokine: Chapter Thirty
He had fought the man causing the gravity storms, spied on yasmik's politicians, and singlehandedly taken down a notorious street gang.
Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Twenty Nine The front door of the school loomed up in front of them, more imposing than Toke remembered it being before. Even on his first day at the academy, when he'd stood on the curb waving goodbye to his parents, those doors hadn't...
Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Eight
Betsu was below them, but it was drawing nearer by the second as gravity pulled zashiel down towards it.
Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Seven
The combination of the two energies might be enough to cause a gravity storm. but... "no, that can't be right," he spoke up. "only one storm ever happened in a city.
Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Six
How are you making the gravity storms?" "what are you talking about?" the secretary asked, pushing himself further against the wall to get away from toke. "i said," toke raised the axe higher, "how are you making the gravity storms?"