One Snow Leopard, Four Willing Victims
He was hanging: hanged by the neck until dead. but his feet kept trying anyway. but that was ok. his kicking was part of the show he was to put on for master, and fighting the noose was part of the experience.
Rope Dance (Watersports, Snuff)
She nodded shyly again, that long tail lashing with nervous energy, but trying to be as cheerful as one can be about signing up to be hanged in front of a leering crowd.
License Denied
The options at the jfk t-port location were: - hanging (short drop) - manual strangulation - ligature strangulation - plastic bag - water tank the booklet also mentioned "unofficial" locations.
Real Life Training
He took one last look at the hanging body - its head bent at an odd sideways angle below the distended neck, many bullet holes visible on limbs and a few on non-vital areas of the torso.
Midnight shift for Aftab
At 00:50, state executioner of taibai, aftab sheng approached the hanging form of kim jiagu. placing his hands on the man's shoulders, he quickly pushed down with all his force.
Punishing Talia -- fourth ending (non-lethal)
I'm hanging. daddy is hanging me! i smiled at daddy, this was _so_ hot. i grew aware of a tingling in my groin. feels good. can't breathe. strangling, the noose was strangling me, and my pussy wanted to cum. yes.
How to Hang a Wolagon
"i was wondering...if you would allow me to hang for you." "sure. i'm pretty wasted until tomorrow, but if you like i'll hang you for a bit then." "yes master, i wish to dance for you as i feel the pull of the noose."
One Snow Leopard, Four Willing Victims
He was hanging: hanged by the neck until dead. but his feet kept trying anyway. but that was ok. his kicking was part of the show he was to put on for master, and fighting the noose was part of the experience.
Kraig Volunteers for the Noose
## Kraig Volunteers ## by A. P. Damien and Kraig Norwood I woke up, looked at the clock, and moaned. 2AM. A scant 2 hours of sleep, and here I am, wide awake.Alone, tonight. I'd had a bunch of stuff to do on the computer -- programs to tweak, stories...
Alex at the Processing Center
There was an article on hanging techniques: where to place the knot for short-drop and long-drop hangings, etc.
The Hanging Academy -- Part 1
Story codes: m/m, furry, cons, hanging, snuff, slow warning, it's 400,000 words long (in 7 sections).
In The Forest
How long would i have to hang? she changed into casual clothing, cooked dinner, ate it, and put the dishes to soak. by 7:45 she was back at her laptop, exploring the consensual hanging group at ping-ding!