one of them said hollowly to his fellows, and then lay back down. scott was shocked, he had envisioned alert _clean_ soldiers guarding each and every parapet and shooting down wave after wave of german attackers.

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The Hunter

Beside the table, the hunter sits, one leg crossed over the other, hands folded in his lap, as he looks contemplatively at the person on the bed. \*\*\* the hunter rides upon his dark brown horse, through the wind and the rain, heels to the beasts

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The Dress

"this one's me," she said, pointing to an old, black and white polaroid. "that was back when i was a bit younger than your mother." it was a day at the beach and she was wearing one of those old-fashion swimsuits you just don't see anymore.

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Keep it Up

He explained it to her as best he could, when she finally woke up, her hand in his own, warm one. he explained that they could treat her, that they could keep her alive.

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Dick Rocks

"it's all rainforest," stated terry flatly, "how in the hell can you recognize one bit of it from another?" "it had that rock. you know, the one that looks like a..." the youth gestured vaguely, " know?" "... a dick?"

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Court Date

Well, sometimes one must spare the life of one, in order to save the lives of many. kahest will be back someday, and he will help us win this war." valk turned and took a glass full of the darkest red wine she'd ever seen, sipping it gingerly.

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I say in as flat a tone i can manage, shaking my head as i lean against the door frame, not stepping one inch out to give the impression i care speak to him, or one inch back to make him think i'd invite him in. "it's a good one this time..."

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Any Day Now

More people, more questions, usually the same damn ones. one even had the gall to call him lucky. "three weeks at sea... only emergency rations... the only one of four to survive? you've got someone looking out for you."

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What We Always Dreamed Of

"You're late." "I know." I replied plainly, seating myself across from him at the little, steel-wire table. It was all very cliché; the cafe, the large, bald man in a suit, reclined comfortably, the smoldering cigar between his thick fingers. For a...

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She laid in the dark, after he left, a one night stand wasn't anything grand. she had hoped he'd stay, rather than make a move to play he left her in the dark cold and stark.

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A Letter to Sapphire

#1 of free mind stories colors, the beauty of them interchanging between one another. a letter to sapphire (any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.) dear sapphire, hello.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 33: A Chance Encounter

"yeah i heard about that, you were one of two investigators that were ambushed by the poet!" "yeah, not one of my proudest moments." i said humbly. "but it wouldn't have happened if you blasted rebels hadn't bugged the castle.

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