Day 27 - Dessert

Rain pattered on the roof, gray clouds reigning on the sky above. Even though it was a couple of hours past noon, the day was dark as night. A string of blue flashed far away followed by the rumble of thunder. I closed my eyes, my heart pounding in my...

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Other Furs Description

a collection of stories set in the White Fur Brother's series. A group of short stories of charaters that may or may not be part of the main stories.


Civet's Break

Civet threw himself down in his chair with a groan, wiping his hand down his long, long face. Don't get him wrong, he loved his job more than anything. Would live at the cafe if he could. But there were some days where he wished, more than anything,...

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AMCA - Did Sybelle have sex?

AMCA is Ask My Characters Anything, a benefit for Silver VIP patrons and above on Patreon. Guri asks... Remember the computer in Joined? I was wondering if that computer's managed to have sex. Either by bringing someone into the inner room with the...

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_"It was like a train wreck. I couldn't look away." Every time someone says that, I remember the one time I did see a wreck._ _It was a quiet morning, out in the countryside. Some old rabbit had stalled out her even older jalopy on the tracks. She...


The Dimensional Traveler- "Author's note"

"Life is Not Always What It Seems!" 'Annie, my beloved daughter. If you are reading this, then I am now one with the world. I'm sorry that we never got the chance to bond properly. I can only hope that this book will be enough to make up for my failure...


CoT Chapter 1 - So it Begins

Alright guys. Here it goes. I've been trying to get up the patience to write this story for years now, and finally I'm making the attempt. This is the first of what I'm hoping to be many chapters, and I realize this may be a bit slow at first, but the...

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AMCA - What's in a name?

AMCA is Ask My Characters Anything, a benefit for Silver VIP patrons and above on Patreon. An anonymous Patron asks... Hey, druid! What's your name anyway? * * * I leaned back on the couch and pursed my lips, scratching my head as I thought...

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Lady of Luck Part 2

Lady of Luck part 2 Dawn awoke as the sun rose casting light into the cave where she and Peter her lover were sleeping, Dawn jumped as she heard someone speak, ‘Well Dawn it would seem you found yourself a mate about time' said the voice...

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Migratory Birds- Chapter 10- Redemption

Migratory Birds- Chapter 10 **Redemption** by kodayu _"Damn you!" The slap hit him hard and his head was pushed sideways as if he was hit by an entire trunk. In fact it was nothing but a simple staff. It did not just hurt but...

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Chapter Two: Happy Birthday Jason!

WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! This story contains descriptions of sexual acts. If you are under the legal age to purchase pornography where you live, please read no further. If not, enjoy! THE FOREST OF DREAMS The changes you face within are...

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On the banks of the Eel River, the 'Kenapocomoco,' the 'Snake Fish,' on a farm near some narrow, leaf-floored woods, a farm near wider, more open fields (of would-be corn and soybeans and alfalfa), Rhine and her husband lived. A few miles from her...

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