The Mook Maker, Chapter 72: Cost of the Sword

I looked at the sword, still embedded in the castle's solid stone masonry. The blade glared at me. It was a strange, eerie sensation, considering that despite its considerable and mysterious presence, it wasn't all that...

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 44: Stalkers on the Boundary

I tried to focus on it. It wasn't easy, since our horde, once again, doubled in size. Even though it was hardly surprising by this point, the exponential growth was the one and perhaps only consistent feature behind the poorly explained...

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 37: Each To Their Own

I didn't quite belong to this world. It was as foreign as it was, harsh, and completely hostile. I had been brought here against my will, with no explanation or guidance, and been thrown into life-threatening events again and...

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 38: To Start Anew 

It was, once again, like a movie without the sound, a dreamlike sequence playing on without my input or will, ever so distant while remaining eerily real at the same time. I saw our old camp within the small abandoned quarry completely overrun with...

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 29: Further You Fall

![/></p> <p>I dashed through the forest.</p> <p> </p> <p>Hidden in the shadow roof of dense foliage, I quickly zoomed past the trees, dodging the lashing branches and leaping over old, moss-covered, overturned trunks. Quickly alternating between...

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 30: Point of No Return

Another notification invaded my view, all monochromatic and bland as the many before it. This time, I didn't bother to read it. With the feedback so intense, so distressing, so harmful, that there wasn't even a sliver of doubt that...

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 33: Declaration of Intent

Names. Coming up with more got difficult. At first glance, naming seemed to be a quick and easy way to increase the number of my followers with little effort, and without the necessity for them to take part in any fighting and...

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 32: Before the Storm

Assaults on castles were difficult. That was the whole point behind fortifications, after all. Defending them was easier than taking them. I wasn't even entirely certain I wanted to take the castle. Only motivation behind...

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The Mook Maker, Interlude 6: The Landlord

"Impossible." Viceroy Gam Youngjae couldn't help himself but to exclaim. Though Youngjae would hesitate to admit it publicly, at least if it didn't serve his interest to do so, he knew he was far from being infallible, and could be...

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 31: No Rest for the Wicked

Despite what I'd done, or ordered to be done, some of my monsters were still 'sealed'. I found it unacceptable. Or at the very least, the power behind their creation did, urging me to correct this injustice, to respond to this attack. In...

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 43: What We Wished For

The Natives couldn't be underestimated. Our last encounter with their warrior elite had proven that they could pose a significant danger to both me and mine, even in seemingly small numbers, calling for a much greater effort put into finding a...

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The Mook Maker, Interlude 8: The Conqueror

Tao Wen, the Elder of the Tao Clan, was beyond annoyed. No one but the Emperor himself could command a man of his standing! It had been a special privilege granted to the true masters of the Art, an ancestral right for those...

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