Shortstack Panda

Jeremy barely got any sleep that night. She stared at her new body in the mirror with a look of lust in her eyes, purely because she couldn't look any other way. She had to stand on a stool just to look at herself in the mirror above the sink too. She...

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Dare Day

Jeremy walked into a plain gray room with a single black foldout table, complete with black folding chairs set up around it. "This is the place?" He asked aloud. Various small windows sat at the top of the walls, too small for a person to squeeze...

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Gumball The New Life Chapter 5: The Surprise

Gumball looks around her new bedroom. it looked amazing. it's a bigger TV over a 6 cabinet drawers. a door to her own bathroom. and the bed is very soft. Gumball was impressed. Meanwhile Darwin and Richard can't stop thinking about gumball's woman...

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Gumball The New Life Chapter 4: The Look

From their reaction. Gumball felt happy. besides, she gets a nice feel from her new outfit. she love it. all of sudden, she have the urge to buy more clothes. she asks her mother for more clothes. Nicole says "yes" and so, they keep shopping for...

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Gumball The New Life Chapter 3: The Shop

The Amazing World of Gumball -The New Life- Chapter 3: The Shop After school, Gumball went home. Upon his curiosity, went to the family shed and move the tools away from him so he won't hurt himself. Opens the box of his mother's sex toys he...

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Gumball The New Life Chapter 2: The School

The Amazing World of Gumball -The New Life- Chapter 2: The School Gumball was Frightened about his/her new body. The rest of his family couldn't recognize him except his father. Richard said "Is that you Gumball?" Gumball was surprised that...

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Gumball The New Life Chaper 1: The Wish

The Amazing World of Gumball -The New Life- Chapter 1 : The Wish It was a dark night at Elmore, Gumball, Darwin, and Anais were about to sleep, but suddenly they heard a boom at the forest. The Kids went there to go check it out. When they...

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Ratted Out

"Fuck! Harder! Harder!" Princess Katherine yelled, assured that the stone walls of her room would drown her cries of pleasure. Her gentleman of the evening eagerly obliged, picking up the pace of his thrusts as he went deeper, hitting Katherine's sweet...

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Stephen groaned, shoving his way through the busy street. A pack of chattering Parisians came to a sudden stop, blocking nearly the whole sidewalk as they pulled out their cell phones. They laughed at each other's jokes enthusiastically, heedless...

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Short Stack Otter

Ashley sat on a large couch, right behind a small table with a set of 'magic drawing pencils', a new set of pencils she had ordered that advertised that they would 'magically draw your very thoughts on the paper.' Ashley wanted to be an artist, ideally...

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Kinktober Day Twenty-Five: Transformation

You are absolutely exhausted. You spent the day in your regular routine... but that regular routine was honestly becoming so monotonous and so blase that you were tired just from thinking about it. It was the same, day in and day out. You woke, you...

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Frozen Foxurt

Frozen yogurt bars were slowly becoming a big craze around the city. The idea was you went in, you grabbed a cup, you got as much frozen yogurt as you wanted, and then you paid based on the amount you got. There were all sorts of bizarre flavors, and...

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