The Ayr'een Summary

The Ayr'eenThe Ary'een are a draconid species dwelling in a galaxy outside our own. Approximately a billion light-years away. A general description of their physiology is comparable to that of a dragon, with some differences. They have two colors,...

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8 (DSV Nautica) AU-945 part 1

Aki felt a little queasy to her stomach. It was time for the Erebus to once again depart to parts unknown. Except this was one area everyone knew about. No one knew what lie inside. Only one enemy was in there. Dragons. Ayr'een appeared similar to...

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5 (DSV Nautica) Into the Ruins Part 1

Aki stared at the packet onscreen. Another galaxy to explore...another civilization. Why should she settle for this? Her thoughts drifted to AU-945, the real mystery. The real danger. The real knowledge. Zhi sensed her frustrations and slid up behind...

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4 (DSV Nautica) Alone

"help me..."10 minutes.The clock was unforgiving. It ticked down unrelenting."Please...stop..."He was still out there. He had to make it back...he had to.9 Minutes.She was alone on the ship. Desprate. They had made such a mistake. They were the only...

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3 (DSV Nautica) The Curator

Ma'ya'eyr, The Curator of the Ayr'een empire was a patient woman. She stood by as the Curator inferiors sweated, trying to re-acquire the signal they had abruptly lost from their most prized, most sacred, revered ship, Celeste."It will be but a moment...

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55(DSV Nautica) Past Demons

It was deep in the night, many were asleep, but their night was just starting. Flare and Aa'zac had slept a fair amount, and were now getting ready for the trip on foot to the sacred icon obelisk. The camp was quieter, but there was still much...

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53 (DSV Nautica) Shame

The Sun Clan was a relaxed group of several hundred permanent residents, all living a primitive life of meditation and teaching. Most young adults left the clan after age 80, to assist up inside Elysium. Those that chose to stay opted for the quiet...

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54 (DSV Nautica) Demons

Aki and Zhi moved toward the room they had been commanded to. The unusual amount of protectors suggested a high ranking official was in the vicinity, and it was probably related to their assignment. Sure enough, the center of the protector horde was...

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52 (DSV Nautica) Families

The transport touched down on the platform with a fairly loud clang, conduits shutting down. The fields shut down, allowing all passengers off. Flare stepped out and over to the edge of the platform. The ocean, blue as ever with the faintest shade of...

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