The Invasion of Acacia: Chapter 3
The distance ticker next to the highlighted missile drew closer to zero with every passing second. slowly the missile grew in size as it drew ever closer to doing it's job; destroying him.
Frozen solid
When we got to 5,000 feet i launched a missile at them and started deploying flares and shooting behind us at the missiles. kübra then levelled out and we blew up the missiles.
When the stars begin to fall
"mostly missiles; you know how the sanganese love missiles. but unconfirmed reports suggest the impending installation of a twelve-component type 2606 summer dragon battery with visibility over all of new sydney and most of the province."
Incident at Sython
The damage control officer shouted, somehow still at his station despite the missile hit. "plasma turret three is gone, missile tubes two and five are not responding. primary sensors are offline. damage control teams are responding."
Pandora's Templar - Chapter 41
Gesturing to the missile i continued, "basically, so long as all of the cells remain intact and aren't damaged, the missile's perfectly harmless. still... tell your people to keep the hell away from it, just in case."
Red Winter: Death From Above
As for the rest of the squadron with missiles still on their tails, their options were quickly running out. one rookie pilot decided to go full afterburner and try to outrun the missile, which would've worked had the missile been low on fuel.
The Needs of the Many...
The proximity alarm went off as the scanners picked up forty incoming missiles.
The Short Life of a Venusian Sky Pirate
But the drone pilots were prepared for that, each of the drones launched a small missile that locked onto the heat signature of her rocket.
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 67
The missile pod on the g-8155 was modded to accommodate cluster missiles, and the rail gun was changed to a laser beam cannon, capable of melting through titanium three meters thick.
Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.11
Another akv intercepted a missile ballistically, increasing the odds to 25%.
Hunter's Moon: Counter-Attack
With both missile keys turned opposite to each other, the missiles inside the vertical launch system were now armed. all that was left was to input the launch codes and let the missiles fly.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 28
Several missiles impacted inside the mouth of the creature, freezing down the creature's throat. a higher-pitched sound followed the missiles as _drach'n fury_ fired its main cannon.