Agony of Steel part 3
He waited for the alakazam to finish before shambling from the cave.
A Boy and His Lucario Part 16
But the more lucario ran, the less visible the alakazam became. alakazam was out of site, and the haze became thick. it began wrapping around lucario's body, tightening its grip until lucario's consciousness faded.
Love Anew ?
As he watched them fight, the alakazam's expression changed, seemingly sensing something was wrong, and he vanished. jeff could hear the mienshao growl savagely as gale looked on in shock.
pokemon, gym leaders, and little girls, oh my!
Marquis, an alakazam story marquis had a good life. he was a kadabra of no small power and his father; an alakazam was the favorite pokemon of the gym leader sabrina, one of the most powerful gym leaders in the kanto region.
Perverted Pokemon Gym
alakazam, winking at the other two pokemon, looked the boy over once before sauntering out to the room.
Watcher of Arcecus Chapter 13
_ the alakazam counters immediately getting the machamp's attention. (you two got off lucky today, but next time, i'm tearing you limb from limb.) he growls before dashing over to the alakazam's side.
Rescued At Last...
Weakly he opened his eyes to look at the alakazam that held him and saw the pokemon grinning madly. "lucky me... more lucario. maybe i'll get to kill these two..." the alakazam said as it grinned at leo. "leo!"
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Kanto Pokedex
Exeggutor got along rather well with venusaur and alakazam respectively. venusaur and alakazam in their own rights were quite intelligent.
Pokemons Gift Chapter 5: The Eternal City
A torkoal that was smoking faintly showed itself, followed quickly by a female trainer and an alakazam. "now finish it off with a psybeam oliver!" she commanded.
Another Short
It had taken him several weeks to get this job with the older alakazam scientist, but he still wants really sure that he was ready to go through with it.
A Queen's Knight
The alakazam looks hurt by the attack as he rubs his leg. "what is wrong with you?" the umbreon barks at the alakazam "trying to starve the baby you can be heartless at times kai." "look gale snakes digest food slower than we do.
Sands of the West Chapter 4: Crossing Paths
Volcan said in a strangled voice, looking closely at the alakazam, staring intently at him and studying his features. "i... i know you!" he exclaimed. "do you now?" the alakazam asked rhetorically.