
January, February, whatever. We're calling this Day 1 Fuck me, that was a lot of work! It felt good to be standing and moving around, though. Must've gotten an adrenaline rush from the anticipation of getting back on solid ground as the island got...

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The Sun Comes Out

Tired. Weak. Keep falling asleep. No idea where I am. This fucking sucks. F UCK So cold * * * January? 1135 Okay, I'm FINALLY awake enough to sit up and write a full sentence. I haven't written anything over the past several...

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Reflections and Dwindling Hope

January 7th, 1135 Fuck I hope this is legible. The pain in my fingers is getting worse, and I had to change how I hold the pen. It's been a few days and things aren't going great. It's still cloudy, the sea's choppy, and it's still cold as balls....

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On an Endless Sea

January 4th, 1135 Surprised I was able to get any sleep during the night. Guess you can sleep anywhere if you're tired enough, even a small wooden lifeboat getting tossed about a wide open ocean with a whole lotta nothing as far as I can see. Believe...

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A Letter From the Lost

January 3rd, 1135 If you're reading this and your name's not Rainbow Dash, make sure this gets to her. If you don't know who Rainbow Dash is, fuck off. Dash, I don't know how I'm gonna get this to you, but I'm okay for now. The boat back to...

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Prologue: Primary Sources

"Disaster in the Celestial Sea: Search Underway for Survivors of North Star Sinking." _Canterlot Post_. 4 January, 1135. BALTIMARE - Pegasus search teams were deployed late last night in search of survivors from the _SS North Star_. The...

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