The Adventures of Goo-Girl and Pup : Bella's Catch
"Oh come on!" I complained Shiqa and I walked towards the lake. "No! I am not being bait again! Last time I almost drowned!" She growled lowly. I sighed and gave up the argument. Ms. Mino had given me a special liquid so I didn't melt in the water but...
Lonely Oak Chapter 73
His hand took a break for a moment, but stayed upon her shoulder. he fiddled with the strap of her tank-top.
Lonely Oak Chapter 69
"welcome everyone to camp connalake bonfire: spring break edition!" she stated, rallying everyone up for a cheer. most of the noise came from the boy scout side.
Lonely Oak Chapter 62
But for now she would have a small break as the last group decided its recipient into the finals. a pang of sadness hit her when the last name was called, and it was not kval's.
Lonely Oak Chapter 59
Lyza broke away from her brother's hand as they neared the archery range. Lunch had just barely ended, and they were the first at the range. "Mrs. Kiminy, hey!" The ewe stood on a small ladder, which she was climbing down as the rabbit siblings...
Lonely Oak Chapter 51
It was still gray out. A sheet of clouds covered the sky, colored between violet and blue. It was damply quiet, the only sound the grunting of toads as they lumbered in the wet morning grass. Lyza sleepily walked down the hill. Her brother and she...
Lonely Oak Chapter 41
A spider. Fat the size of a quarter, hanging idly by its silk in the dark, waiting. For what, who could ever know; there was not a way at all for any prey to come within the confines of the tent. It was just there, waiting, possibly for night, when it...
Lonely Oak Chapter 37
"well, i ain't gonna have a mopey sister all spring break. emmy and ket went to the beach, mom and dad will be gone for a while--not like them being here would make a difference. i don't have any plans.
Golden Age: chapter 7: the Self-aware Hound
**laelaps- canis major** before i say anything, i just want you to know that i have the power to break the fourth wall. no one else does. they, despite talking to you, have no idea you exist.
Chapter One: The Pool Hall Hustle
His skull was currently breaking apart and screaming at him, and the next step he took didn't help that situation at all. wham!
Garden Troubles
Dog-mom hummed happily to herself as she tended to her gardens, weeding, watering, and planting new flowers and bushes she had picked up the previous day. Even though it was the middle of summer, with temperatures approaching the upper eighties, it...
6. Break Away (100 Theme Challenge)
I've stated before in "1. Introduction" that I may not necessarily be writing fiction or poetry for this challenge. This is one such case, as I will be getting a little more real with you.I'm sure many of you have people, places, struggles, or...