There are many reasons why I dislike the day. The day is bright, noisy, hot, and dull. That is why I prefer the night and all its beauty. We'll watch the sun set, wander through the darkness and finally explore under the rising moon. So let us begin...
Descriptive, essay, non-fiction
**My life as a transgirl.**
_There's always hope, never give up._
''A chocolate muffin to go,'' that was all I said. But I could see the look in his eyes as he saw me. Disgust, that's what I saw. I'm used to it now though, I see it everywhere I...
Non-fictional, Transgender, biography
For those of you who don't know, I work as a pizza delivery driver for Pizza Hut in central Ohio. I've been there for about three years now, so the job has come to be a sixth sense for me. It's fairly...
Autobiography, Chicken, Drugs, Fox, driver, non-fiction
I didn't see you there today
Last time I did
You thought me as weird
An enigma
An anomaly
Someone worth analyzing
In your own little world
That was three years ago
Times have changed
We both went separate ways
You stayed at home
I went far...
High School, Relationships, derp, life, non-fiction, weird
Words: 3,920
pretty much nsfw (lot of frank sex talk going on, in here.)
do you have any questions? comments? declarations that my scribblings are an affront to the entire world of academia?
Academic, Academic Paper, Pokemon, Umbreon, non-fiction, study
Newark High School is a particularly... lame high school. I could go on and on about the fucked up systems that they use there, most of which don't make any sense. But I'll talk about those in another story. For this, I want everyone reading this to...
Blood, Drama, Fight, Fox, Highschool, Trash, non-fiction
I'm sure many of you know, whether you're a writer or not, that writing is hard. It requires a lot of time, creativity, discipline, and exceptional communication skills. This applies to all forms of writing, and isn't limited to just one or two. While...
Editorial, Tiger, distractions, drive, motivation, non-fiction, writing
Writing Advice: Show, Tell, Adverbs and Others
In the last couple of entries, I've covered a number of topics on the periphery of actual writing: things to consider before getting started to get in a productive space, examining motivation. It's...
Advice, Guide, Self-help, Tutorial, non-fiction, writer, writing
Back in elementary school, I was a rambunctious little fox; all throughout my Kindergarten year, I would act out all the time. I didn't like being in a foreign place; it scared the piss out of me (one time, literally). By the second grade, this...
Cub, Drag, Fox, Friendship, Night, Trampoline, non-fiction, sleepover
Everybody has that one friend that they just say and do stupid shit together, and they laugh because that person is just someone you can be 100% unfiltered around. For me, back in elementary school, that was my best friend, whom we're going to call...
Comedy, Cub, Fox, Frustration, Peanut Butter, non-fiction, scout
Back in high school, I somehow managed to cultivate friendships with the lowerclassmen. It happened every year; when I was a sophomore, I made friends with the freshmen. When I was a junior, those freshmen became sophomores and I made friends with the...
Comedy, Fight, Fox, Game, Highschool, Key, Short, non-fiction
I've stated before in "1. Introduction" that I may not necessarily be writing fiction or poetry for this challenge. This is one such case, as I will be getting a little more real with you.I'm sure many of you have people, places, struggles, or...
Pornography, Struggle, addiction, break away, meditation, non-fiction, porn