Legal Issues - Chapter 4 [TF / Cow]
Outside of Lynn's apartment, the world was alive and buzzing with activity. The young woman hummed a happy tune as she walked down mostly empty sidewalks. A strong, steady wind rippled banners and flags around her while keeping the sun from being too...
Legal Issues - Chapter 2 [TF / Cow]
Two hours later, alone at her desk, Lynn leaned back to rub her tired eyes. She still felt rested but also distracted and restless and her eyes hurt from staring at spreadsheets and emails; numbers and letters swam on the screen in front of her. The...
Legal Issues - Chapter 1 [TF / Cow]
The car turned and then suddenly vibrated fiercely as it drove over a wide cattle guard laid into the ground. lynn looked up from her papers, blinking her eyes at the bright light filtering through the tinted car windows.
Down for the Farm
She could feel her body taking on the proper shape of a dairy cow, the wide body swelling outwards to fill out her frame.
Milked of her Power
Not a cow, but...not a cow. just not a cow. faenya the not-cow._ it was hard to think of anything else, and the burning brand that was pressed to her side didn't help.
chapter 5
As I munch on the blue thing's, that was found in bushes they were so good unlike that grass. But I always loved grass, now I don't now and I felt diffent, as I ate more but I didn't want any more. After I had stop, I heard a noise like it sounded like...
chapter 4 : next day
Am i cow ? i have to be one i have horns and fur still. i heard a strange sound like growling, it was comeing from my body, i started to think. i had not eatten anything today.
chapter 6 : rock..rain
Everyday the same thing, wake up than stood up and my back would hurt than I go walking. Looking for food, the roo would follow me until I had found some than I go to the water. And drink from the water than I go sit near a tree, until my body growled....
Sick Day (Cow TF)
Her fur had finished growing in; it was white with black stripes like a dairy cow... a cow. sharon knocked again, slightly more urgently. kate turned her bovine head and said. "don't... just wait a mmmm..." she stopped herself.
Who knew a bartender would be my new girlfriend?
She was a white cow with black spots all over her who was taller than him.
chapter 3 : the change
After a long day of grazing and searching for new green to eat. The sky was turning and getting darker colors also. I walk down a hill and headed a spot to sleep. I heard loud sounds sound like an animal. But didn't sound like one, I...
Her Highness
The cow looked confused. "what do you mean?" "i was under the impression we were dating, but this... this isn't what i want." the bear kept his head lowered, but his voice stayed firm. she frowned at him. "what more could you want?