The Babysitter

But as the sleepless nights turned into sleepless weeks, patrice eventually caved in and gave her husband permission to hire someone.

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Experimentations (A Lesson in Beginnings) Prologue

Experimentations a lesson in beginnings prologue the cold uncaring walls of touma's room seemed to give him no solace through yet another sleepless night. it had been many hours since he received the horrific news.

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A bunch of questions answered about me. Thanks Arctic. Jerk.

The small, ninja like canine that will soon haunt your sleepless night hours. 15.) name your worst habits. being a huge pushover, lack of motivation, inability to find that one, and the over trusting side of me. 16.)

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Cat and Mouse

#1 of a cat and mouse so...ive been wanting to start writing for a loooong time, and what better time to start then on a sleepless night!

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Non-Furry Story

Nights went on sleepless; lightning streaked through the sky, it initially scared me but it was not even by far the worst thing, much worse was yet to come. then the thunder kicked in.


I am an unruly mess of late, ill from confinement and isolation, sleepless with agitation from machines. how i would love to howl at the moon, completely naked--a tailed beast with a keen but slight countenance.


Touched, Chapter 2

._ _on sleepless roads the sleepless go._ _may angels lead you in."_ -jimmy eat world, "may angels lead you in" armando hernandez villalobos was not a feline easily pushed off-balance.

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Defining Moment

Morning light not bringing new beginnings, but hopeless ends to a sleepless night, nights spent awake by artificial light. to this day, my defining moment haunts me, keeps record of all the times i was beaten down.



"seattle sleeplessness." "loss of urine." captioned as "loose of urine", pronounced as "yoo-rine". "humber." "regeneration." "diarrhea." captioned as "diyoharrorheehreaahrhh". "kawaii." here the captioning ends.

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[SNEAK PEEK]The Alabaster Comb

Posted using postybirb **the alabaster comb** **by limewah** **patron reward for flarfenarfle (october 2023)** it had taken some time around her crystal ball, and a few sleepless nights, but anastasia's divine divinations had finally found her

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[Hypno Script] Falling into trance

Something that i wrote up on a sleepless night, with a small short story of my hypnotic hyena friend luxuria, and how he could speak after he had locked his pair of his eyes on my poor dragon. it's going to be a long night...

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Love Unkown Chapter one Yumiko's discovery

She drifts into a sleepless sleep. vivid images plague her thoughts with every moment she dreams. pictures of her feral side roaming seeing its kindred chased down hunted, slaughtered as it was but a cub.

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