Reaver and the wolves.

I pad over leafs, roots and grass as I make my way through the forest, having left the established trail a good half an hour ago. Admittedly I'm starting to regret it, but I'm still enjoying the scenic atmosphere. My ears flick back and forth...

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A Draconic Encounter.

The forest noise is cut into by the rawrs and groans of the red dragon, writhing on his knees in the middle of a clearing. Fu is at his cock, milking his large, dragon cock with a paw. "I can't keep cumming!" Jake screams out as his cock throbs and...

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American dragon.

* * * Jake, in his dragon form, squats over and over, his heavy tail thumping softly onto the floor every time he reaches the floor. The dragon had been coming here every morning to work out, always getting sweaty in all the right places. Fu Dog bites...

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Opening Up To My Horse Roommate

Shaun's been my roommate for a few months now, and I feel we've built up somewhat of a good system for living together. Well... there is one or two things I haven't told him. You see, I'm gay, and a fox. Admittedly I didn't have to tell him about the...

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Feline Gaze

It has been a few years since I've met Spyro, having seen the dragon grow and develop in his skills. Although some of those years were difficult, I find myself quite fond of him. Watching as he became even more like the larger dragons, although with...

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