Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 18 - A Trip Down Memory Lane
Back again. Longest chapter so far, I think. My girl proof-read this for me (Thank yooou :D) And yes. I know it's a cliché name for a filler chapter, but you'll have to live with it. :D Also, I'm looking for someone who'd be willing to proof-read my...
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 17 - A Night Of Intrigue
I apologize to any readers, who actually were waiting for this. This one's completely on me, I'm afraid. I completely forgot to post what I wrote (Don't ask how. I just did) But without further delay, here's the story! (Sorry for the wait...
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 2 - Learning The Basics
We've been walking for almost a week now. Didn't know that travelling through a forest could take so long. Trees everywhere, blocking our vision. Jack says that it should only take a day or two from here on. Raven says that since Jack says that it's...
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch.1 - New Friends
I follow quickly, grabbing to my gear, looking back at the dojo, ring and the small houses i lived in, for so many years. i wouldn't miss it. but i wanted a explanation. after leaving the familiar area, i stopped and requested one. "hey!
Shadow Of A Doubt - Prologue
"and take better care of your gear, please" he carefully lifts my swords and guards, then extends them to me like they're the most fragile things in existence.
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 16 - Gluttony
We sat down, but only for a moment. We couldn't afford to waste time, so we formed a quick plan. "Our first priority is to secure the survivor. We will do our best to avoid The Seven" River stated. "Is everyone clear on that matter?" We nodded. The...
Somewhere between worlds
Somewhere between the world we know, and the realms of Oblivion, dances a fine line that connects all like a web wrought by the largest of frostspiders. The strands, unseen and powerful beyond even our recognition, interlock and spread out to encompass...
The Falls - Chapter 1 - Sevvy's Story
His full name was sevin altra gears, and he was probably the youngest miscreant in the group. although, miscreant would likely be the wrong term. the little beamur came from a shattered home which he ran from at the age of four.
The Falls - Prologue
The day was young, barely passed eleven in the morning and the sun was just nearing its apex, and already it promised to be a very hot day. The weather was quickly climbing and as noon neared a dull coloured bus just turned off the highway, into a...
Su'um ahrk morah!
In the midst of carnage and scarlet painted stones, a solitary figure stood victorious, his latest victim still held securely in one hand whilst the other continued to launch a volley of quick, bone-shattering punches into where its face had once been....
The Fall and Rise of Kairuna Chapter 1
The thirtieth of Last Seed, Mundas in the early morn on the northern Cyrodillic plains was, by all accounts like every other morning with the simple exception that the Aldmeri Dominion had successfully implanted a bastion of warriors and mages alike...
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 15 - Banshees On The Horizon
Yes, yes, yes. A whole month. I have a million excuses. If you wish to skip them, there will be actual relevant info after my complaints on modern society. When you see this -\> \*\* that'll be the end of my ranting. So here I go: I got a new...