Cahlo and Suicune

"And _here_ it is," said Cahlo, holding his paws out in an exaggerated manner, "my humble abode." The water type peered around him and scrunched up her nose at the sight. "Yes...I suppose that humble _is_ a word you can describe this place as..."...

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Undertale 2

"MUuh-m-my mask b-bwoke when I-" he stopped to sniff, "w-WUH-w-when I few-W-w." He stopped bawling momentarily, but his breathing became erratic, and he shuddered every now and again. He raised the broken mask up to her face so that she could see. She...

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Undertale fanfic

"Da-da-da-da-dada~da-dada-dada_da_," hummed a small, black furred child as he scaled the mountains of miscellaneous garbage, making an effort to avoid hopping into the water, "dada-dada-da_da_~da-dada-_da_." He stumbled a bit before catching...

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Zara 6

Gods DAMMIT, his testosterone fueled desires were getting harder to ignore. All of this blushing, hair petting, back rubbing, fur tickling, deep eye contact and closeness was threatening to drive him _nuts_, and her story hadn't exactly helped very...

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Zara 5

Zara's eyes slowly drifted open. Gods...that had been a _horrible_ dream. And such a _vivid_ one at that. He snuggled into his body pillow, sighing in deeply. But as soon as he did so, he heard a surprised yelp from just above his head. He withdrew and...

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From Bad to Worse

From Bad to Worse Zara struggled to remain calm as the two Eon sisters made their way over to his table. "Oh man! If it isn't the man himself!" Elena exclaimed as her and Cerci took seats at his table, "We haven't seen you in a while! Where've ya...

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Surprise Drive - Part 4

oOo DAY 1 oOo "Come ON!" Flynn shouted, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for Jady to get back up on her feet, "Shrug it off and start again!" "Yep! No problem!" Jady groaned as she clutched her stomach, "Just got decked in the gut! No...

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Surprise Drive - Part 3

With control over the car having been relinquished by..._something_, Jady was finally allowed some respite. So there she sat, panting from exhaustion in a full suit of sci-fi armor, sunken into the seat of a currently self-driven car after having been...

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Surprise Drive - Part 2

Jady woke with a start. She groaned and looked around to try and figure out where the heck she was. Apparently her fantasy had went on for so long that she had made it home and fallen asleep face down on her couch without even realizing it. She felt...

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Surprise Drive - Part 1

She was in absolute agony. She felt trapped. She could feel chains shackled around her ankles to keep her from escaping. She couldn't move. Every second she sat there felt like an eternity. She had no clue when she'd be allowed to leave, but she knew...

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Surprise Drive - Prologue

Joy. Pure joy. It was all he could feel at the moment. Pure joy and pure bliss. It felt heavenly and made him smile. It made him feel as though life couldn't get any better. There was a skip to his steps as he walked along the path between the scraps...

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Aftermath The Cubone flexed and stretched his limbs as his alarm clock roused him from his slumber. After fumbling around for a couple seconds, he managed to silence its blaring speakers and sat himself up. He scrunched his eyes closed as he gingerly...

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