Burdens - Chapter 71: Extinguish

#71 of burdens the style is for the mood. chapter 71: extinguish hunter was confused by the question.

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Burdens - Chapter 69: Tired

#69 of burdens :t chapter 69: tired roger woke up that morning to the faint sound of his alarm. he remembered it being much louder, but for some reason it was softer this morning.

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Burdens - Chapter 68: Cascade

#68 of burdens like an emotional roller coaster. chapter 68: cascade the fox woke up first for once. he nuzzled into the wolf's chest instead of moving away.

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Burdens - Chapter 67: Gifts

#67 of burdens next up, cliffhanger. chapter 67: gifts class had gone by for roger like everything else had in the week - it was short, quick, and he was soon to forget it. he met with the wolf after class, but this time he had his bag with him.

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Burdens - Chapter 66: Pieces

#66 of burdens doop de doop. chapter 66: pieces roger blinked and it was a day away. they had headed back to study, and the lack of anything out of the ordinary seemed to cause his mind to meld the time together.

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Burdens - Chapter 65: In the Cafe

#65 of burdens time is going to move by a little quicker after this. chapter 65: in the cafe they had taken their leave of the park. it no longer seemed appropriate to stay there when the air hung heavy. not very many words passed between them.

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Burdens - Chapter 64: Taint

#64 of burdens adult for subject matter, not so much content. chapter 64: taint "is it... bad?" hunter asked the fox. he had looked away sheepishly as the fox sat next to him against a tree. roger shook his head.

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Burdens - Chapter 63: Wander

#63 of burdens been busy, sorry. one day i'll get some cover art for this or something. :t chapter 63: wander "what to do, what to do..." roger wondered to himself.

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Burdens - Chapter 62: Unclean

#62 of burdens keep scrubbing, it will never be clean. chapter 62: unclean roger laid himself back upon his bed. he did not have any plans for the day, aside from helping the wolf study. part of him did not want to get out of bed, however.

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Burdens - Chapter 61: Far

#61 of burdens :t chapter 61: far roger awoke with the coming of the light. it streamed through the window in his room. he opened his eyes groggily, grumbling to himself about needing to shut the blinds.

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Burdens - Chapter 60: Evasion

#60 of burdens yup chapter 60: evasion roger froze. the situation was dangerous and he knew it. if he kept still, he figured, perhaps the wolf would just assume he was asleep, and then head back, himself. however, what if his arm traveled back down?

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Burdens - Chapter 57: Catalyst

#57 of burdens sorry it drags. :p chapter 57: catalyst the movies were over. the two groups met each other in front of the theater. roger was first to spot them, since he had been looking that way, and since it seemed the other two were preoccupied.

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