Lyegerena the Gnoll: A day in the life..
Lyegerena the Gnoll: A day in the life. By: Nicholas Martin. Written on: 12/11/2013 As always I awaken before the sun, but this time is different. This time I didn't wake up on my own. This time I am woken by a sent, a sent that sets my teeth...
Tales of Airethe: The Rise of Alysa
Damora is a small township that lies in the southern region of the domain of Angalon. It is not an especially violent place but it does like upon the sea that the people of Angalon call the Vast and therefore attracts all manners of different folk from...
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon – Hand of Fate Ch 1-3
Never got around to finish it, but i thought i might upload here as well pokemon mystery dungeon - hand of fate **chapter 1: new horizons** _the crashing waves against the ship_ _the straining of the metal frame_ _people running to and fro_ _but someone
Brim Journal Entry 1
A Journal Entry by my character in a D&D campaign I'm in. She is a 14 Charisma Tiefling (half devil half human) who is very androgynous but very very attractive. She is also never referred to by her gender in any circumstance except here of course....
Icebound - Chapter 10
**Shadowdale, 1372 DR. 14th day of The Fading.** The next morning, his parents saw him off. The new rucksack he had was heavy with gear. He felt like a pack mule. Bran had given him directions on how to get down to Suzail, the capital of Cormyr....
Icebound - Chapter 1
**Shadowdale, 1372 DR. 6th day of Highsun.** "Hold the line! Don't let them get through!" bellowed Bran, Aiden's father. The townsfolk were running out of their houses, rapidly throwing on bits of armor and hastily grabbing weaponry. The brigands...
The Summoner and the Succubus ; Part 4
Author's Notes: They'll be at the bottom. Copyright shpill. All characters, story, and locations are copyright to me. Any similarities are completely coincidental. Please ask for permission before doing so. Story...
The Summoner and the Succubus ; Part 3
Authors Notes: My private audience has been thoroughly satisfied thus far. That, by itself, is a great accomplishment to me. I just hope that if you have read this story, that you have enjoyed it, as well. Also, I missed my...
The Summoner and the Succubus ; Part 2
Author's Notes: It's finally here, for your viewing pleasure, I hope. I also hope that this is properly grouped in the same story. Anyway, hoping to wrap this up in the near future, though I truly enjoy this story arc. Comments,...
Consequences (Kreet 48)
In the end, gold talked and the three retired to their room in the small tavern. They were eyed by some of the few locals, but they didn't care. Sigmundurr was uncharacteristically quiet as they settled in. "Do you think she's forgotten me...
No Frills: Keys the Kenku
The most intense his defiance will get is a spot of shouting and squawking, which was the most outspoken he could be during his days in the dungeon.
Blitz and the Mischievous Necklace
Blitz and the mischievous necklace by lewdsin outside the pride rock dungeon on a warm winter afternoon around the pride rock dungeon.