Cutting the engine, i pulled of my helmet, taking a deep breath of the country air. there was not a sound around us but the calm night breeze.
A Good Old Copper
# Chapter 11: A Good Old Copper _June 11'th 1988 13:00 Hours London, England_ When next I woke my head rested on something soft. I opened my eyes to see the bottom of a muzzle. Sixty was staring off into the distance. "Good Dog," he...
The Good Doctor
# Chapter 10: The Good Doctor _June 11'th 1988 03:00 Hours The Kennel, London, England_ Sixty and I stared at each other as the last of the screams died away over the wireless. "What has happened, Brother?" Sixty whispered. His words were...
Looking in the Mirror
The sun was just starting to rise as i killed the engine of my bike. lifting my helmet off, i could smell the scent of petunias. his wife always planted petunias.
Brothers and Sisters
# Chapter 7: Brothers and Sisters _June 9'th 1988 20:45 Hours The Kennel, London, England_ I wasn't sure where he'd found it, but Handler Llyal offered us some day old Chinese takeout. The little paper boxes even had the traditional metal...
Cobblestones and Threadbare Shirts
# Chapter 2: Cobblestones and Threadbare Shirts _June 8'th 1988 02:00 Hours The Kennel, London, England_ For just an instant I hung in the air, two stories above the blacktop. Thousands of razor sharp shards of glass sparkled around me in the...
Atomic Heat
Hello dear reader to the start of my newest short series. Yes an actual continuous series that I am going to finish. The plan is for a short five chapter series mostly revolved around family, love, and romance. I hope you do enjoy your stay as I have...
# Chapter 8: Inbreeding _June 10'th 1988 07:15 Hours The Kennel, London, England_ Taking a step back from the door, I readied myself for when the Dog would step in. He simply stood there. At long last the door tentatively opened. ...
Library Card
# Chapter 6: Library Card _July 2'nd 1993 22:00 Hours The Kennel, London, England_ I spent the evening on the Isle of Wight, under the hospitality of the local Police Dogs. They provided me with one of their boxes to sleep in as the coastal...
A Private Breeder
# Chapter 5: A Private Breeder _June 9'th 1988 04:30 Hours Somewhere beneath London, England_ I came to slowly, like surfacing from a deep, dark pool. It felt as though someone had stuffed my head with cotton batten, like I was awakening from...
Up The Drainpipe
It was as if all the engineered parts of my mind devoted to speech, my forced humanity, had fallen silent. "eat up," he said, voice soft. i did just that.
Quiet Halls and Softer Footfalls
The engine roared to life on the first try. pulling out of the parking lot, i estimated i could make it to the isle of wight before the end of the day if i moved quickly.