[Patreon] Taming the Hellhound

Demonology, for all the knowledge contained in libraries worth of ancient tomes, can be reduced to two simple lessons. First, a demon needs a source of power. Second, he who controls the source of power controls the demon. All the rest is...

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Taming the Werewolf - 11

#11 of taming the werewolf jacob and amanda didn't talk much after that last full moon when she transformed, when all of their efforts to control her lycanthropy were undone by her unexpressed desire to unleash the monster within her.


Taming the Werewolf - 10

#10 of taming the werewolf it felt good to run. no, it felt invigorating. amanda ran as far as she could, deeper into a large wooded area at the edge of the neighborhood where she lived.

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Taming the Werewolf - 9

#9 of taming the werewolf "it's getting warmer," amanda said, touching the plastic jug resting on the work table. jacob recalled the first time she said that, the first full moon since her dialysis treatment started.

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Taming the Werewolf - 8

#8 of taming the werewolf amanda's co-workers didn't really notice that anything was really different since she had been attacked by the werewolf all those months ago. at least, they didn't show it on their faces.


Taming the Werewolf - 7

#7 of taming the werewolf they used to go to the state fair at this time every year, when they were younger and looking for some cheap entertainment to fill their evenings.


Taming the Werewolf - 12

#12 of taming the werewolf it was his scent that woke amanda. the same masculine musk she had always loved, mixed in with his cologne and a tinge of fear. she smelled his fear.

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Taming the Werewolf - 14

#14 of taming the werewolf the shewolf raced through the wooded areas of the mountains all night. the wind blowing through her fur excited her pores, stimulating every inch of her body.

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Taming the Werewolf - 13

#13 of taming the werewolf jacob stopped looking for amanda after two days. he was frantic in the moments after she ran out of the house for his own protection, but assumed that she would come home in the morning.


Taming the Werewolf - 2

#2 of taming the werewolf the werewolf slept most of the month. when the full moon approached, it would begin to stir within amanda. she would become more irritable at times. at other times, she would be downright aroused.

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Taming the Werewolf - 5

#5 of taming the werewolf the dinner jacob had planned for amanda went exactly as he had hoped. they had cured her lycanthropy, or at least kept it at bay with modern medicine and common sense, letting her lead a normal life even during the full moon.

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Taming the Werewolf - 4

#4 of taming the werewolf as the moon waned, amanda felt relief. the werewolf pulled on her body less and less as the burn of the moonlight against her skin faded.
