It broke vlad's heart to lose his first cub that way, and when the tiger died during the back alley abortion, vlad was devastated, and left russia for america to get past it all.
vlad begs me to date him, and to carry his cubs if i will.
Athletic, Bear, Bedroom, Birth, College, Creampie, Cunt Boy, Death, Grizzly, Impregnation, Lion, Male Pregnancy, Pregnant, flashback, rugby
No excuse, and it was probably for the best: last time francesca was not pleased to hear that allie was late because she just had to hear some juicy gossip on mackenzie allenfield's alleged pregnancy and back alley abortion.
Back alley abortion, Badger, Bisexual, Bisexual shaming is not cool guys, Bitchy laugh, Comedy, Coming Out, Dizney, Doorwatching, Forced enthusiasm, Fuck I missed Pride Month, Fujoshi power, Gay, Gay..., High School, Husky, I shit on your mother, Inclusivity checkbox, It's okay to be gay, Pig, Raccoon, School spirit supplements, Spoiled Princess, Spymaster, Squirrel, Story Series, Student Council of Evil, Taxation, Transgender, Why are there so many girls in this M/M series, homecoming, sabotage, villains