Love & Joy - For The Love Of~ part5

PARTS SO Far -------------------------------------------------------- Part 1~what a mess - [Read Here](%5C) Part 2 ~Emotionally Dead - [Read Here](%5C) Part 3~The Oblivious Truth - [Read Here](%5C) Part 4~If a Tree burns? - [Read Here](%5C) Part...

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Zootopia: ZCOPS Sea Knights part 2 last part

Boat master/pilot: officer lou ivon (polar bear) we just got a call from the zfd's fire boat.

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A Pleasant Present (part 2)

S fire-boat away, they stood holding hands as they watched the lights fade in the early morning horizon. "where are we?" asked the canine, unfamiliar with any of the terrain, there were barely any lights on the dock. leif squeezed a.j.'

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