A Chance Encounter: A Gift story for Sima

**This is a gift story for Sima, my 400th watcher! I hope he enjoys his new story! Please comment and rate when you finish reading! This was super fun to write and I totally enjoyed the opportunity to do something for another furry. I hope it's as...

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The Mendicant Priestess - Week 2: Predator/Prey Relations

_In which Beryl strikes out for almost the whole week, before meeting an interested - and interesting - couple._ * * * "Going out again tonight, Miss Lavinne?" I turned to face the hotel manager. For a moment, I racked my brains, trying to...

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A First Tint of Mauve

The following contains f/f sex and light s&m type things. this was inspired by a certain podcast of brothers discussions of a certain popular s&m book/movie series. it is slightly goofy.

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We'd done some very light s&m stuff, but not this far. josiah called out a warning; i should have opened my eyes, but i wanted to be with alice so badly that i tuned it out.

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