The gray rabbit, its wings elegantly spread, descended gracefully next to the babbling stream. The sound of rushing water created a serene ambiance as the rabbit made its way toward the designated meeting spot. With every hop, the lavender-scented...
Bob, Boob on boob, Bunny, Dayofdragon, Dragon, Enchanted rabbits, Ethereal world, Green dragon, Intimate moments, Lavender canopy, Lavender garden, Lesbian, Lick, Magical encounter, Missionary, Mystical beings, New year dragon, Newyeardragon, Rabbit, Ritualistic, Ritualistic connection, Story, Straight, Tit on tit, Voyerism, Voyerisms, Whimsical atmosphere, Year dragon, Yeardragon, from behind, mounted, shaft, slit, summon, tit
Daphne struggled with the sensations, as she watched the newt descend like a brilliant smiley chinese new year dragon onto her eggs to rub them with the fertilizing seed.
it was beautiful she started to cry.
Amphibian, Canine, Herm, Newt, Otter, Oviposition, Poodle