Pikachu ibres final match
Feeling warm cum in her body sets off the unwilling pikachu. libre cries knowing her career is over and now shes pregnant with this monsters children.
Pikachu Libre's Contest Reward
pikachu libre loved winning contests, and she didn't plan on ever losing one--especially if this was her reward.
Spirit Synthesis - Alternate Writer's Cut
Making a flashy entrance, master of the tough contest circuit, mistress of the gym, and reigning champion - pikachu libre!"
Spirit Synthesis [Commission]
To call the World of Light a strange place would be an understatement; even to the warriors making their way through it. Thought their own worlds have their fair share of adventures and oddities, seeing the... Confused amalgam of each of their worlds...
Pokemon: Ringside Worshiper
A pikachu libre by the name of sonia can't help but get charged by the thrill of the fight. after one of her bouts, a fan approaches her with big eyes and a desire to talk to her.