"i wanna fuck arthur's mom and sue ellen!" sue ellen licked her lips excitedly. jane read walked to buster and gave him a shoulder massage. buster blushed and sank in the couch as he relaxed.
Aardvark, Age Difference, Alberto Molina, Anal, Arthur, Bitzi Baxter, Bunny, Cat, Catherine Frensky, David Read, Fellatio, Francine Frensky, Jane Read, Monkey, Moose, Muffy Crosswire, Orgy, Ramon Molina, Sex, Vaginal, arthur read, buster baxter
Kennedy and sue-ellen frantically dodged every green-yellow ball that celine and her fellow male players sent flying in their direction, ducking like the world had succumbed to the inevitably cliched fictional nuclear war, spreading their legs
Cub, Edna, Francine, Miaska, Orgy, Prunella, Sue-ellen, ellen, kennedy, muffy, robyn
Catherine frensky, sue ellen, molly macdonald, and multiple others were all his now.
* * *
(to be continued in chapter 2)
Aardvark, Age Difference, Alan Powers, Arthur, Arthur (Series), Arthur reed, Cat, Catherine Frensky, Fellatio, Jane Reed, Monkey, NSFW, Rabbit, Rat, Sex, Sue Ellen Armstrong, buster baxter, king
sue-ellen armstrong
attire: cream-colored vest, teal dress, red-and-white sneakers, plain-white panties.
age: 8
abilities: flasher, fisting, underage advantage.
Miaska, Miranda fox, Multiple characters, Slick l e d void, ellen, kennedy, robyn
sue-ellen armstrong
age: 8
clothing: tan vest, turquoise dress, red sneakers, plain-white socks and panties.
blythe baxter
age: 11
clothing: teal shirt, orange skirt, black boots, transparent black tights, bright-pink bra and panties.
character list, upcoming