There Was A Girl Named 69...

After a long and stressful day at work, a beautiful anthro Corgi named Jenna came home to try to relax. Walking through her house, she dropped her work bag by the door, and made her way over to the computer. She started mindlessly browsing the internet...

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This Is Me Challenge: Arkona Kothe

On a brisk, autumn day in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, a black Ford Ranger pickup tears down an abandoned gravel logging road. Pine, birch, and maple trees fly past as the truck speeds down the road, only slowing to pull off into a small clearing in the...

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Love Knows No Bounds

On a warm and clear summer's night, a young couple sits next to a bonfire on a secluded lake shore in Northern Michigan. It was a perfect night, where the sky is alight with all the stars, and it felt like nothing else mattered at that point. They had...

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Love Knows No Bounds 2: Back To Reality?

The morning breeze blew in, causing Rob to shiver a bit and wrap himself in the blankets just a little tighter. The blinds in the window gently flutter in the light breeze, the sound of highway traffic returns once they settle. He stirred slightly...

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